Tips for Safely Taking Ephedra Capsules to Burn Fat

Although the war between the FDA and the manufacturers of ephedra capsules rages on, the facts remain that ephedra is an excellent fat burning tool. It is, generally speaking, both safe and effective when taken as directed. Ehpedra is a drug and needs to be treated with respect and never abused.

If you’ve never taken ephedra capsules before, you probably have many questions such as: Should I take an ephedra based product? Which ephedra product should I try? How much should I take? When should I take the first dose? How long should I use ephedra?

Here are some tips for safely taking ephedra capsules:

Should I take Ephedra?
NEVER take an ephedra based product if you haven’t had a recent check up that has resulted in a clean bill of health from your doctor. NEVER take ephedra if you experience any contraindicated symptoms listed on the bottle’s warning label. Double check this warning label before taking a single capsule.

Which ephedra capsule should I take?
There are numerous choices available. However,the most effective products contain a combination of of ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin. This combinations is more commonly known as an ECA stack. The herbal equivalents may be seen as ma-huang,kola nut and willow bark.

How much should I take?
If you’ve never before used an ephedra based product, it’s recommended that you begin with the lowest possible dose of the product you have selected. Begin with one capsule in the morning. A low dose will quickly give you a good idea of your body’s tolerance. Ephedra and caffeine are very stimulating to the central nervous system. Gradually work yourself up to the recommended dosage over a period of several days. If at any time you react unfavorably, stop taking the ephedra capsules immediately.

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When should I take the first capsule?
Because ephedra and caffeine together stimulate the central nervous system and some people may find it difficult to sit still, it’s recommended you take the first dose either first thing in the morning or 30 minutes before a scheduled activity such a a brisk walk or weight lifting. This will give you an opportunity to burn off some of the nervous energy. It is also recommended that you not take ephedra capsules after 2 p.m. because they could cause sleeplessness or poor quality sleep.

How long should I take ephedra?
Because the body can adjust to the effects of ephedra rather quickly, it’s recommended that you cycle on and off with your product of choice. In order for the ephedra capsules to remain effective and still generate positive results, an easy cycle to use would be 6 weeks taking ephedra followed by 2 to 4 weeks off. An alternative cycle could also be 12 weeks taking the product followed by 4 to 6 weeks off. You may adjust your cycle to suit your body’s tolerance level.

The down and dirty of taking ephedra capsules is this…Begin with the lowest possible dosage and apply some common sense. Read all the label directions thoroughly. Don’t take ephedra at all if you have any contraindicated symptoms. Most importantly, NEVER take more than is recommended. You must be fully aware of what you are taking. Treat ephedra capsules with respect and the results you get will be pleasing.
