Where to Find the Best Jobs in Economics

Jobs in economics always seem to be difficult to label. If someone said they were getting into journalism, one would automatically think of twenty jobs that fit that category. Jobs in economics, however, seem to be this cloudy, misunderstood career destination. The subject revolves around analyzing the costs and benefits of every decision made. And even though nearly every job has to do with this field in one way or another, here is a list of jobs in economics that will allow you to make the most of that degree.

Jobs in Economics 1: Financial Field

What better way to weigh the pros and cons of a decision than with other peoples’ money? The dream job (especially if you love to work long hours) is either an investment banker or hedge fund manager. Even though these aren’t usually considered jobs in economics, they do accept economics graduates. The pay is the best that you will find, and the work isn’t as intellectually demanding as one would assume. Just be ready to put in some ridiculous hours under heavy pressure. These are also some of the most competitive careers you will find. Most people won’t even get an interview without a 3.7 GPA from an Ivy League school.

There are also other jobs in economics that have to do with finance. These might include stock investment analyst, financial analyst at a bank, and even some accounting jobs will accept economics degrees.

Jobs in Economics 2: Statistics

Some jobs in economics can make the most of the statistics background that comes with an economics degree. If anyone is going for their undergraduate in the field, they probably know how much math is involved. Careers involving statistics can range anywhere from a census worker to the general manager of a baseball team. There are also market research companies that pay greatly for someone to make sense of all their data. If you aren’t shuddering at the thought calculating more linear regressions, this sector of jobs in economics might be for you.

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Many of these statistics jobs are created by the government. This usually means that the competition isn’t as fierce as investment banking, and the pay is pretty consistent. Working for the government also means that all federal holidays are paid days off. As a senior undergraduate, this is probably my first place to look for jobs in economics.

Jobs in Economics 3: Social Sciences

Understanding opportunity cost and different motivations for utility might lead to the cure of poverty! Some jobs in economics revolve around finding solutions for life’s biggest issues. Economics involves analyzing how things like opening trade borders are beneficial or detrimental to each country, depending on these countries’ resource abundance and deficits. If you could establish which markets would benefit the most by working together, there are jobs in economics waiting for you.

Many social science jobs pay well, but most people don’t get into this field for the purpose of making a ton of money. Most do it for their desire to help others. These careers also may require you to relocate, going to more impoverished places. These are some of the more fulfilling jobs in economics.

Jobs in Economics 4: Education

This seems to be the most common route for careers with this degree. Most of the research I’ve done with getting jobs in economics usually ends with the subject taking a teachers position. Depending on your degree, these jobs in economics can be found at almost any grade level. Those with undergraduates may teach at the high school level, while masters and PhD’s can teach college level classes. Professors and department heads at universities are jobs in economics that can pay a good deal, plus you are helping the future.

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Demand for economics teachers vary depending on the location. Teachers in America are finding it much harder in recent times to find a job due to state budget deficits. Teaching jobs in economics can be found, but one must be deliberate and persistent to find them.

These are the four most common places to find jobs in economics. They are by no means absolute. Like I said earlier, with a degree in economics, one can get a job in almost any field. These are just to give you a better idea of what to look for if you with to, specifically, find jobs in economics.
