How to Get Rid of Bumps on Thighs

I used to be a fan of romance novels when I was a teenager. But I always hated reading the inevitable scene where the male protagonist was entranced with caressing the female protagonist’s “smooth and milky thighs.” Why? Because my thighs had never been smooth and milky! In fact, I was often embarrassed when my boyfriend would touch my thighs, torturing myself with thoughts of how rough they must feel to him. If you suffer with bumps on thighs or legs, you’ll be glad to know that there is a solution to this problem.

Bumps on Thighs and Keratosis Pilaris

Chronic bumps on thighs and legs are caused by a medical condition known as keratosis pilaris. I came across a keratosis pilaris support forum a few years ago, and ended up learning a lot about the condition. Keratosis pilaris is caused by a genetic follicular disorder where the protein known as keratin, accumulates within the hair follicles forming rough bumps on the skin. Primarily, it appears on the back and outer sides of the upper arms, but can also manifest itself as bumps on thighs and legs.

Some people aren’t bothered by the condition and may never seek treatment for their keratosis pilaris. Others will go to great extremes to treat the bumps on thighs and legs, perhaps even using lasers. But such extreme measures are usually not necessary. With perseverance, there is a simple and cheaper way to treat the bumps on thighs and legs that you’ve been contending with.

Treating Bumps on Thighs

Here is the simple process that I’ve used to clear up the bumps on thighs problem. Note that there is no cure for keratosis pilaris, therefore, these steps must be done religiously, or else the bumps on thighs and legs will return.

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1. Dry brush your thighs every morning with a natural fiber skin brush . This helps to exfoliate the buildup of dead skin cells in your follicles.

2. Use exfoliating bath gloves while in the shower, further concentrating on exfoliating your thigh areas with them.

3. Follow up your morning and night mechanical exfoliation (steps 1 and 2 above), with a chemical exfoliation by using a skin lotion containing an exfoliating ingredient such as urea, lactic acid, glycolic acid, or salicylic acid. My personal favorite, which is also one of the least expensive options, is Jergens Skin Smoothing Gentle Exfoliating Moisturizer .

4. Don’t pick or scratch the existing bumps. Not only will they look red and irritated, but I’ve found that it seems to make the situation worse.

5. Keep your body hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. I drink my water with lemon on a daily basis, and have found that this clears up many skin issues.

And that’s it. It may take a couple months to see ultimate results, but if you can faithfully follow this 5-step routine, the bumps on thighs and legs will eventually give way to the smooth and milky thighs you’ve always desired.


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