Should You Pursue Your Degree in English or Journalism?

If you are thinking about going to college or if you already in college, one of the hardest things that you are going to need to do is decide on a major. Students who enjoy reading and writing may want to consider earning a degree in either English or Journalism. Which degree will be the most useful for you? Here are some of the things that you should take into consideration if you are trying to decide whether you want to your earn degree in English or Journalism.

Do You Want to Teach English or Journalism?

If you want to be a teacher at the secondary level, your best bet is to major in English. Although there are Journalism teachers at the secondary level, they are not as in demand as English teachers are. In fact, most Journalism teachers usually hold a degree in English and may have a minor in Journalism, in combination with the teaching certifications that are required by the state. If you are planning on teaching at the college level, you will need to have at least a Master’s Degree and at the university level, you will need to have your PhD. It really does not matter what you earn your Bachelor’s Degree in if you plan to teach at this level. However, if you want to teach Journalism, it is a good idea to get both your PhD and Master’s Degree in Journalism, so you may want to consider getting your Bachelor’s Degree in English if you wish to broaden your horizons, but stay within the realm of what you plan to do with your life. Overall, if you want to teach, it really depends on the level that you want to teach at.

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Do You Want a Variety of Job Choices?

The good thing about earning a degree in English is that it can open a window of opportunities for you. Whether you want to work in editing, publishing, writing or teaching, you can do it when you decide to pursue a degree in English. Whether you want to work at a local newspaper or start your own business, an English degree will take you there. There are also many people with English degrees who choose to further their education in other fields. Many go on to medical school, law school and business school. For a closer look at some of the things that you can do with an English degree, please refer to this article, but keep in mind that there are so many other things that people who graduate with an English degree can do.

Do You Want a More Focused Degree?

When a person chooses to pursue a degree in Journalism, they should want to be a journalist. If you know that this is what you want to do and you are very passionate about it, then you will really want to consider getting a degree in Journalism. The good thing about a focused degree is that it will put you ahead of others. If you wanted to be a Math teacher and you had a degree in Communications with no teaching certifications, you probably would not get hired, right? If you are sure that you want to be a journalist, then it is in your best interest to pursue a degree in Journalism. Keep in mind that it is a good idea to minor in or get a second degree in something related to computers, since the world of journalism is becoming more computer-based. Having that second degree can really help you out in the future.

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The main key is to earn your degree in whatever you feel the most comfortable with. Whether it is Journalism, English or anything else, you should never attempt to earn a degree in something that you are not interested in. Not only will you find yourself unhappy with the career that you have chosen, but there is also a good chance that you will not do very well in school and completing your degree may be a hard task.