Where to Find Free Meditation Music Online

I love to meditate. A few years ago, I was borderline high blood pressure and having panic attacks all the time. At the urging of my doctor, I started yoga. I fell in love with yoga, but my favorite part, without a doubt, was the meditation portion at the end of yoga. I loved the calming, invigorating feeling I took from it and wanted to be able to do it whenever I wanted. I was a college student at the time, so limited on funds. Fortunately, I found that there were many great sites online that offered free music downloads – many of which you can put on your iPod or a cd. With so many options available for free meditation music online, you never need to be meditation-free again! The site below offer a variety of mediation styles of music, so be creative and mix it up!

Radio Sri Chimnoy
Radio Sri Chimnoy (www.radiosrichinmoy.org/meditation_music) is one of my favorites, and the first place I found that offered free meditation music available for dowload to my iPod! If you don’t want to download to a cd or iPod, you can listen right on your computer with Apple Quicktime. There are a variety of music styles available – flute, pipe organ, harp, guitar – by a variety of artists, in both calming and invigorating styles. It is completely free and offers music for any meditative mood.

Hypnosis Health Care
Hypnosis Health Care (www.hypnosishealthcare.com/freemeditationmusic.html) offers a cool variety of music based on chaos theory, fractals and the Butterfly effect. They also have some music set to the beat of a metronome at 60 beats per minute which, for some reason I don’t understand, actually lowers heart rate and blood pressure ( I know! I tried it – it really works). Some of the tracks are computer generated and some are instrumental, but all are designed to by hypnotic in nature, alleviateing stress and providing much-needed relaxation.

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Embrace Meditation
Embrace Meditation (www.lulu.com/meditation )has several free meditation tracks, all based on a certain goal: patience, focus, energy, etc. They are each about 8 minutes in length and are work astonishingly well – the music transports you as you meditate on the goal. I need a LOT of work on patience, and after repeated listening to the patience track, I found myself much more at ease and calm in any situation that needed patience. Highly recommended!

Meditation.org (meditation.org.au/podcast_directory.asp) offers several podcasts that you can subscribe to and download directly to your iPod. I love guided meditation because it really guides me through visualization and gets me out of my own head for a few minutes. There are regularly updated podcasts teaching you how to meditate – with or without guidance! – and the guided meditation podcast, which is a favorite of mine and to which I subscribe and listen to regularly. They also offer a podcast for children’s meditation, which is engaging and calming for kids. All are presented by the Meditation Society of Australia and are very professional and effective.

There are several resources available to you for meditation music and resources. No matter what your meditative need, it is available to you on the internet – and almost anything can be found free of cost. Have fun with your meditation music search, and enjoy the calming benefits of regular meditation!