When Should I Feed My Dog?

So you’re a new dog owner. Congratulations! Now you’ve got to figure out how to integrate your new family member in the daily routine. Feeding your dog might seem like the easiest part to figure out, but there are several options you should explore when deciding on a feeding schedule for your dog.

Free Feeding

This method is easiest for the dog owner. Fill the bowl full, and let the dog eat whenever he likes. It’s convenient for those who work long hours or odd schedules. No one has to be home at six to feed the dog. This method is considered more natural by some, as it allows the dog’s appetite to determine when he eats. The biggest disadvantage is that the dog can eat whenever he wants…even if he’s already eaten more calories than he needs. Free feeding can easily lead to obesity. It can also mess up house-breaking, as the dog will not be on a predictable elimination schedule. Dogs’ digestive systems are built to have long breaks between meals; it allows the system to rest and prepare. Most vets would not recommend a free-feeding schedule.

Several Daily Feedings

Scheduled feedings allow you to control the number of calories your dog consumes every day. Breaking it up into several daily feedings lets the dog feel as though he is eating more food than one daily meal. Puppies require at least three feedings a day, and small dogs may also benefit from several meals of small portions. Healthy adult dogs, however, only need maximum two meals in a 24 hour period, usually about 12 hours apart. So if you feed your dog before you leave for work at 7am, you should feed again at 7pm. The long stretch between meals is better for your dog’s digestion. If your dog seems hungry between meals, or is losing weight, consider adding more food to the current feedings rather than increase the number of meals. This is also a great time to take advantage of that food motivation for training!

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One Daily Feeding

Feeding the dog once per day had been a popular schedule for many dog families. It also has convenience factors. One daily feeding is easier to schedule into the day than several feedings. A dog’s digestive system is built for one large meal with long breaks in between. While humans have evolved to take our daily calories in a series of small meals, this feeding system is not ideal for dogs. This schedule does have its disadvantages. Your dog may beg for food between meals, and dogs that are used several feedings may take some time to physically adjust. If you choose once-a-day meals, you can feed any time of day that works for you. You may feed the dog before you go to work, so his stomach is full while you are gone, or you may choose to feed in the evening when your family eats together.


Your Dog’s Feeding Schedule http://www.raisingspot.com/health-care/dog-feeding-schedule

One Meal Per Day Keeps the Veterinarian Away http://www.lucythewonderdog.com/free-feeding.htm