What Exactly Causes Warts?

Warts are a skin condition that few people want to talk about. Yet, many people live with warts. There are several kinds of warts common warts, foot (Planter) warts, genital warts, and flat warts. People can have one or a combination of these types of warts. While there are different wart types, each type of warts has some common causes.

It is commonly believed that you can catch warts from frogs. This is a Long lived wives’ tale. It is believed that this wives’ tale simply started because frogs have warts. This wives’ tale probably started before humans even knew about viruses. While this wives tale has been around for years, it is simply not true. Frogs do not carry a virus that can cause warts.

All types of warts are caused by a virus. American Academy of Dermatology explains warts are, “caused by a viral infection in the top layer of the skin. Viruses that cause warts are called human papillomavirus (HPV).” HPV can be caught like any other virus. It can take several months, after first contact, for warts to show up. While HPV can be contracted from human to human contact, American Academy of Dermatology states, “The risk of catching hand, foot, or flat warts from another person is small.”

There are multiple types of HPV viruses. Currently, doctors and identified more than 80 different types of HPV viruses. The type of warts caused depends on where the HPV virus attacks. Dermatology channel explains, “Most types of HPV have an affinity for the skin and produce common warts (verruca vulgaris), flat warts (verruca plana), and plantar or foot warts (verruca plantaris). Several other types of HPV have an affinity for mucous membranes and some of these cause ano-genital warts (condyloma acuminata).”

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Like any virus, HPV viruses must have a way into your body. Every day, you’re exposed to viruses that land on your skin. Hand washing and bathing a lemonades a large amount of these viruses. However, when a virus finds a break or tear in the skin they can enter your body. HPV viruses are no different. That is why HPV viruses are often seen in people who bite their nails. Biting your nails creates areas of the skin that are moist, peeling, and/or cracked.

Warts can be contracted by people of all ages. However, some age groups are more prone to contracting warts than others. Warts are often seen in children and teenagers. Doctors believe this is due to a large number of children and teenagers biting their fingernails and/or hangnails.

Just because you’re exposed to an HPV virus, this does not mean that you will contract warts. Many people are exposed to an HPV virus and never know it. Currently, doctors do not know why one person will contract an HPV virus and develop warts while another will not. Doctors do know some factors that may cause someone to contract and HPV virus and develop warts. American Academy of Dermatology states, “Some people get warts depending on how often they are exposed to the virus. Wart viruses occur more easily if the skin has been damaged in some way, which explains the high frequency of warts in children who bite their nails or pick at hangnails.”

Many people live with some form of forts. Some people have common warts (warts on the hands or fingers), plantar warts (warts on the feet), genital warts, and/or flat warts. Each type award is caused by an HPV virus HPV viruses can be contracted in in several different ways. No matter how you contracted warts or the type of warts you have, a dermatologist can offer treatment options.

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Viral Infections. n.d. Dermatology channel. Retrieved on December 15, 2009 from http://www.dermatologychannel.net/viral_infection/warts.shtml

Warts. n.d. American Academy of dermatology. Retrieved on December 15, 2009 from http://www.aad.org/public/publications/pamphlets/common_warts.html
