Wart Removal at Home

Home Wart Removal

Many people get warts and it can be an embarrassing issue, plus trying to get rid of warts can become very costly. However, there are many treatments for Wart Removal at Home.

The home wart removal option can save a person a lot of money, but there are times when the best option is seeing a physician for professional advice. Determining when to try wart removal at home and when to see a medical professional is a personal decision using your best judgment.

There are over 150 different kinds of warts and they can appear literally anywhere on the body, sometimes warts are painful but sometimes they are not. Although there are over 150 different kinds of warts, there are 3 different kinds that are most common that are non-genital, they are: the common wart which develops mostly on the hands mainly around the nails, the plantar warts which typically appears on the bottom of feet and the least most common wart is the flat wart which typically appears on the face or on the back of the hands.

Wart removal can be done at home using over the counter medications which can be discussed with a pharmacist at the local drug store or wart removal can be accomplished by natural wart removal using items that you may already have in your home or kitchen.

Keep in mind that wart removal remedies at home might not work for everyone but if you do try the one remedy that does work, it will save you a ton of money plus your warts will soon be gone!

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A natural wart removal method that many swear by is soaking a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar, place the cotton ball on the wart and duct tape the cotton ball securely on the wart. The reason for the duct tape is that it will hold much better than a band-aid. Many that have used this natural wart removal process say they started seeing results within days.

Another wart removal method that is a natural method that many swear by is witch hazel. Simply by dabbing witch hazel with a q-tip on to the wart will help in eliminating the wart within days.

Rubbing a raw potato that is cut in half is another wart removal option to do at home, by rubbing the potato gently on the wart a couple times a day, the wart will start to die within a few days.

Some people swear that soaking a cotton ball and rubbing it into the wart a few times a day will cause the warts to dry up within days. While I have heard this wart removal method does work really well, I would be cautious with this natural wart removal method as some people’s skin can be very sensitive to the bleach.

There is no way to prevent warts but washing hands always is a plus. As we hear often, it is always a good idea to wash your skin thoroughly with soap warm water, especially the hands.

No one wants to have to deal with warts but if you do get warts, wart removal can be done at home with natural products or over the counter products. If home wart removal is not working, be sure to see medical personnel for professional advice.

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