What’s the Best Genital Wart Treatment for You?

There nearly as many types of home, over the counter and medical and surgical treatments subscribed to by a lot of people who have different types of warts. For common warts and the like, you may be able to use over the counter medication and home remedies to remove them. On the other hand, genital warts require more focus. An stringent genital wart treatment will almost always prescribed by your doctor to cure genital warts.

Nope — banana peel, crushed garlic and aloe vera, or even duct tape would not have served as an effective genital wart treatment at all. Not only will using these remedies be awkward to walk around in, by using those remedies you might just risk aggravating your infection. Here are a few recommendations that you may want to know more about, before you try ANYTHING as an effective genital wart treatment. Arming yourself with information about the best genital wart treatment is the best way you can cure your warts.

Imiquimod is a highly recommended genital wart treatment. Most doctors would prescribe this for your genital warts. Prescriptions will vary; Imiquimod is directly applied to the area affected by genital wart, at regular intervals of one to three days. Imiquimod works by “waking up” your your body’s immune system and enabling it to respond with extreme prejudice against the Human Papillomavirus (HPV).

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is the virus that causes warts, in general. It has many sub-types, or viral strains. Each of these viral strains can cause different types of warts on people. Two Human Papillomavirus strains specifically cause genital warts. Medication used for genital wart treatment may differ slightly compared to remedies for the other types of warts.

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Bleomycin is another type of genital wart treatment. What Bleomycin does is kill off both the wart and the virus at the area of infection. It is an effective genital wear treatment but may be painful to undergo. Genital wart treatment is undertaken by injecting minute doses of Bleomycin directly into the wart.

Be sure to get more detailed information from your doctor about Imiquimod and Bleomycin. Discuss how long you should keep up your Imiquimod genital wart treatment treatment and if there are any specific side effects you should look out for. One prominent side effect of Imiquimod is the redness of the skin around your genital wart. Likewise, get more details about Bleomycin. These genital wart treament options are never one-time visits, so it would be to your advantage to ask about multiple visits so you can fix your clinic visits around your schedule. Ask your doctor how long your genital wart treatment will take and would you require taking vitamin supplements, a stringent diet, and so on.

You also have two other genital wart treatment medications available. Podophyllin and Podofilox are two effective genital wart treatment options for external application (no needles, whatsoever). Both Podophyllin and podofilox have different applications procedures, so you better ask your doctor so you won’t botch up your genital wart treatment. But beware: Podophyllin and podofilox should not be used if you are pregnant or expecting pregnancy. Because they are applied over your genital warts, Podophyllin and podofilox are absorbed into your skin and bloodstream. They will cause birth defects detrimental to your unborn child.

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Apart from medication, you also have the option to try surgical genital wart treatment. Genital warts may be effectively removed through three surgical procedures: Cryosurgery, which involves freezing the area affected by genital warts to destroy the infected cells; electrocautery or chemical cautery, or the burning off or cauterization of the genital wart and killing the presence of the virus around the affected area); and laser treatment.

As a genital wart treatment, surgery should optioned off as a last resort, especially if your genital warts are small. It is, however, effective in removing large warts that have not responded to any other genital wart treatment at all. Discuss your options with your doctor in detail before you choose your preferred genital wart treatment. One consideration for your decision should be the fact that although genital wart treatment can remove the warts, it is not a guarantee that the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) has been removed.

A healthy immune system can clean your body of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) virus in a relatively long time. Often, it would take anywhere between eight to fourteen months, for your body to recover from this viral attack. But with a healthy immune system, you might be able to overcome it in even less. The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) virus may be precluded by a healthy body and mind. And all you need to do is simple choose which genital wart treatment you want to undergo.