What Are the Best Herbs for Fibromyalgia

If you experience painful and debilitating symptoms of fibromyalgia, then you most likely already have a knowledgeable doctor who is addressing your symptoms with the use of both drugs and behavior therapy that aids in bringing relief. Even so, medical studies conducted in the past 10 years have proven that certain supplements and herbs also bring relief from fibromyalgia symptoms.

One of the most debilitating symptoms of fibromyalgia is chronic pain produced by the trigger points on the various parts of the body, since this is likely the most debilitating symptom of fibromyalgia, sufferers are oftentimes prescribed narcotic drugs for pain. This can eventually lead to a dangerous dependency to those medications; many doctors who treat fibromyalgia won’t recommend long-term narcotics, but might prescribe short-term use during acute pain flare-ups.

For those looking for a safe and effective symptom substitute, alternative methods are often used such as massage therapy, acupuncture, natural supplements and herbs for treating fibromyalgia. You may want to talk with your physician before using these alternative supplements and herbs, just to make sure there are no harmful interactions between them and prescription drugs you may be taking.

Using Herbs For Fibromyalgia Symptoms

It has been studied and documented that vitamin and mineral deficiencies either cause or aggravate the onset of fibromyalgia. These supplements have shown to be highly important in fighting the symptoms of fibromyalgia: B vitamins, magnesium, malic acid, and manganese. By eating a healthy diet and taking these supplements it seems to provide better sleep quality, reduction in trigger point pain, and alleviation of chronic fatigue.

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Herb formulations for fibromyalgia are believed to be helpful since their stems, roots, or leaves contain chemicals with healing abilities. Infact, several prescription drugs are directly based upon herbs that have been used to cure for thousands of years. Unlike drugs, herbs for fibromyalgia are in their undiluted form. They carry chemical substances that boost the immune system, reestablish sleep, alleviate pain, and assist the body to cure itself.

Particular herbs for treating fibromyalgia include:

(1) Red clover; this herb provides energy and boosts the immune system. It is a significant herb for fibromyalgia sufferers since it has a rich source of B and C vitamins.

(2) Passionflower; this herb has a crucial part in treating fibromyalgia since it alleviates tension, anxiety and insomnia – all classic symptoms of fibromyalgia.

(3) Valerian; this herb has been a front-line treatment for fibromyalgia because of its beneficial results on sleep and muscle tension. It is a natural sedative that increases the quality of sleep for fibromyalgia patients. It likewise increases focus and concentration to help reduce the “brain fog” that often happens to people who suffer from fibromyalgia.

(4) Chamomile has relaxing properties, contributing to the restoration of deep REM sleep. It is high in selenium and zinc, minerals that boost the immune system.

(5) Ginseng is considered to be one of the oldest herbs used to treat fibromyalgia, it is a potent immune system stimulant, aiding the body to fight off bacterial infections and viruses.

(6) Griffonia Simplicifolia is an herb which has great quantities of 5-HTP, a natural pain killer that can significantly relieve the pain of the fibromyalgia trigger points on the body.