How to Beat MRSA Staph Skin Infections When Doctors Aren’t Helping You

For those who have had a run in with MRSA or any type of staph related skin infection, it is common knowledge that the so-called treatments that mainstream doctors are prescribing are not hugely successful. Thousands of people suffer nearly constantly for months and months, faithfully taking all prescribed antibiotics, but getting very little relief from symptoms.

As with most conditions, there are more ways to treat them besides the ways recommended by mainstream physicians. It is frustrating and angering that those who take an oath to “do no harm”, definitely do cause harm by neglecting to share information that would really help an individual suffering from MRSA and staph related skin infections. However, there’s nothing most people can do about that, so for those suffering from these types of skin abscesses, here is information that really can help you.

First, an individual may need to overhaul their diet. The worst thing you can put into your body is sugar, and eliminating as many sources of sugar as possible can alone, reap enormous benefits in anyone’s battle against MRSA and other staph related skin infections. Here’s an analogy to get the point across: think of when you’ve made strawberry shortcake or apple pie. First, the sliced fruit goes into a cup of sugar where it is nearly liquefied. That’s what sugar is doing to your internal tissues, blood, and cells. It absolutely suppresses your immune system. Cut out as much sugar as possible, including foods that become sugar in your body once they are broken down, such as breads and other carbohydrates. Cutting out sugar is one of the most effective things you can do in your fight against MRSA and other staph related skin infections.

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Second, lower your stress levels. Stress also severely suppresses your body’s immune function. Identify your most constant and serious sources of stress and do what you can to eliminate them. Whether it’s housework, childcare, work, or your marriage. This is your health we’re talking about, and you need to do whatever it takes to lower your levels of stress if you want to get well. Lowering your stress levels allows your immune system to kick back into high gear and fight this fight for you. Lowering your stress is probably THE most effective step you’ll take in recovering from your MRSA and staph related skin infections.

Third, load up on your arsenal of vitamins and supplements. Take Grape Seed Extract, Vitamin C (Ester-C or Emergen-C are good for this because they contain mega doses), COQ-10, Green Tea Extract, and garlic for their antioxidant properties. This will help your body detoxify, which is of utmost importance. If your body is loaded with toxins, then your immune system is suppressed. Clear the toxins and your immune system will kick into high gear. Also, take Coral Calcium, a known detoxifier, and Vitamin E because it aids in wound healing, promotes skin health, and boosts immune function. Grab a bottle of Primrose Oil also, because it helps your body to absorb the COQ-10.

Fourth, grab some raw honey. Obviously, if you are allergic to bees, you will need to skip this step. However, for those who are not allergic, eating 1 tsp. of raw honey 3 times per day can be just the boost your body needed to beat MRSA and other staph related skin infections. Raw honey can be purchased online or at most health food stores, for about $10 per jar. It’s much thicker than table honey, and it’s important that you eat it cool or at room temperature. Heat changes the honey, and some of the healing properties that you need from it can be changed in the process. Raw honey is a powerful anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal, and it boosts your immunity.

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Fifth, get a good source of Omega 3, such as cod liver oil tablets or golden flax see oil. These fatty acids are beneficial in too many ways to name here, including skin health.

Sixth, implement bleach baths by adding 1/2 cup of regular household bleach to your bathwater and staying in for 10-15 minutes. This sounds harsh but it’s less bleach than you would come into contact in a swimming pool, and it works to decolonize your body of the staph bacteria. It also helps current skin infections to dry up and heal faster. Another benefit of bleach baths is that most people suffering with these skin infections, have been afraid to take baths because of the fear of the staph spreading to and infecting other areas of the body. The bleach baths help to eliminate that fear (any bacteria is killed in the water), and soaking in the bath is helpful for easing tension. Another wonderful aspect of this practice is that one doesn’t have to feel “infected”, as though everything they touch could somehow be infected with the staph they are carrying, which also seriously lowers the stress involved with this condition. This is effective to do with children as well (again, it’s less harsh than a swimming pool). Just be sure that everyone rinses well with the shower after the bath drains to avoid over drying and irritation to the skin (just as you would after a swim in a pool), most choose to also lather up with an antibacterial soap at this time, such as liquid Dial. Leave the suds on the skin for two minutes, then rinse. Some Infectious Disease Specialists recommend this bleach bath regimen to the entire family for a period of 6 months, to ensure decolonization.

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Seventh, bleach everything. Bleach your towels after every use (yes it will ruin them, accept it). Bleach bedding every other day. Use a spray bottle filled with about 2 tablespoons of bleach to one bottle of warm or hot water each day (make it fresh each day to ensure potency) to disinfect faucet handles, toilet handles, toilet seats (may want to do this after each use – make sure to ventilate the room well by opening a window or running a fan as the fumes can be a little strong), light switches and door knobs, as well as any other places in the home that take a lot of high hand traffic, such as refrigerator door handles.

It’s a lot of work at first, an entirely new routine to learn. However, after a week or two, maybe even less, those with MRSA and other staph related skin infections should experience measurable success with these practices.