What Are Some Good Phone Cards for Calling to Mexico?

I hate that my phone company allows me to make unlimited calls to Canada but they charge me a boat load if I want to call Mexico. I don’t even like Canadians and who calls Canada? Are they even still a country? Well my wife is from Mexico so we call there all the time; so I had to find some way to call for as cheap as possible and what I found was three phone cards that give you the best price, most minutes, and the best connections. I choose these three because often times one or more of these phone cards are out of stock and you need an alternative card so you can make a call.

The first phone card on the list is by far the best of the three, except the fact that everyone knows it’s the best so it’s out of stock A LOT! Megatel San Diego calling card (Get it here http://www.phonecardsavenue.com/details.asp?product=1675) is the best card available for calling to Mexico. They offer three different values $5, $10 and $20 cards, and I suggest buying these in bulk because when they do come back in stock they sell fast. So what will you get with the Megatel? Well a $5 card will allow you to call pretty much anywhere in Mexico and talk for about 5-10 hours. It’s a wide time line because if you hang up you lose some time off the card but if you talk constantly and use the whole card you can probably get 8 hours of talking in on the $5 card. The more times you call and hang-up the less time you will get out of the card.

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The Megatel is a good phone card choice; it’s easy to use and works great about 90% of the time. The only issues I have had with this card is sometimes you call and the person on the other end cant hear you talking, so you have to hang up and call back and you lose a good 45 minutes to an hour of talk time. I have tried to dispute this with the company but they won’t listen, but even with this slight issue this is still by far the best card for the money, you get lots of minutes and rarely have any technical issues. I usually buy $40 or $60 dollars worth and as far as I can tell they don’t expire so you don’t have to be too worried. $40 bucks lasts my wife about two months of calling to Mexico, she calls quite often and talks from 1 to 3 hours each time, these cards are great.

The next best card that rivals the Megatel is the Picante calling card (http://www.phonecardsavenue.com/details.asp?product=132), this card produces great calls, gives you ample minutes, and never have I had any issues with it. It would be listed above the Megatel if it gave you as much talk time as the Megatel but you only get about 3-6 hours out of a $5 card. I normally could use each card twice where I normally use the Megatel’s about 4 times before the minutes are gone. The Picante’s are only offered in $5 and $20 increments and I usually buy a $20 card just as a reserve in case I run out of Megatel’s.

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They now offer a Picante Latino card (http://www.phonecardsavenue.com/details.asp?product=2549) that seems similar to the Picante. I haven’t ever tried this card but since the same company offers the card I would assume it is similar in minutes and quality. I am going to try this one next time I buy a card and see if it is any better than the original Picante. Also check out the other phone cards at (www.phonecardsavenue.com) they have a wide range of selection and great prices for calling anywhere in the world.

The last one on the list is the Buena Vista calling card (http://www.phonecardsavenue.com/details.asp?product=2588) and is what I would call my emergency card, incase there are no Megatel’s or Picante’s in stock. This card is ok, you will get probably 2 hours of talk time if you use the whole card at one time. This card is also offered in $5, $10 and $20 increments and I usually only buy $5 at a time. They work well without any problems, sometimes the phone will sound like the other caller is on a cell phone and is having bad reception. I have had the bad reception problem quite often with this card, and only use them when I can’t wait any longer for Megatel’s to come back in stock.

I have tried so many other phone cards and for the price none of the others can beat the ones I have told you about in this article. Feel free to try any other one you want and if you find one that gives you more minutes with great quality calls please let me know, I am always trying to find better phone cards!

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