Loratadine (Claritin) Allergy Medicine Works for Dust and Pet Dander

As a person that has severe dust, and pet dander I have tried just about every prescribed and over the counter allergy medicine made. For the past year I have periodically taken Equate Loratadine generic. The product is the generic form of Claritin. Equate is a Wal Mart brand that cannot be beat for price or for effectiveness and is about a fourth of the price of Claritin.

Palgic is an all-right allergy medicine. It requires a prescription. It is effective, but the cost runs about 45 cents per pill.

For those that can tolerate cortisone perhaps one of the nasal products may work for you. I unfortunately was not aware of my sensitivity and had a serious reaction to Rhinocort. I had a surge in blood pressure and edema as well as becoming quite ill. If you have any high blood pressure issues, you should speak to your doctor about sensitivities.

My main allergies are to blowing dust and household dust. I live near an alley way, so last year we planted Virginia Creeper along that end of the house and it has done a great deal in curbing some of the dust coming from the roadway. Another allergy problem is with the cats. After they go outside and roll in the dirt or other cat like activities and come back into the house. I start sneezing galore.

Certain indoor pollutants in some buildings that are either trapped in the ducts or become loosened with the heat goes on turns into a sneeze attack. I have a cold air humidifier that I use that cuts down on these at home.

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As most everyone knows that has allergies, vacuuming definitely does not help to gather up the dust particles and whatnot. Perhaps one of the more expensive varieties of vacuum cleaners on the market may not create more dust. I use a damp mop or try to keep the dust down by using products that keep the dust down.

Other allergy medicine that I have taken in the past was Seldane. It was very effective, but again not as effective for dust and pet dander as Loratadine.

People considering taking Loratadine who suffer from asthma, kidney disease, liver disease, pregnant or breast feeding need to consult their physicians.

The other side effects may include dry mouth, headache, drowsiness and restlessness. The patient information sheet suggests drinking water. The medicine should be kept in a cool place.

Loratadine does not raise your blood pressure. It requires only one pill per day and I have not noted any side effects at all. Probably the best part is the price for 30 days supply it runs about $6.40 at your local Wal Mart. The same amount for the Claritin brand will cost around $17 to $22.


  • Med-Plus Drug Information