How to Rid Your Home of Black Mold

Black mold is not considered harmful in most cases. The incidence of black mold infestation is increasing as the public becomes aware of this problem popping up in news stories. You will see the word “toxic” used in correlation with the black mold in many media resources.

Black Mold may be hazardous to your health if you suffer from common allergies, have a compromised immune system or any type of respiratory ailments.

Continued exposure to black mold seems to cause health problems in families who continue to live in a home that has not been treated or had any remediation. There is scant scientific evidence to support the health hazards of a black mold infestation, but many families will attest to their health problems when they breathed the spores from black mold.

To rid small areas of your home of black mold, purchase some chlorine bleach and mix it with water. Chlorine bleach will sanitize your home. This is the quickest way to rid your home of black mold.

To rid small areas of your home of black mold, purchase some chlorine bleach and mix it with water. Chlorine bleach will sanitize your home. This is the quickest way to rid your home of black mold.

1. Mix 1 Part of Chlorine Bleach to 10 Parts Water.

2. 1 small pail

3. 1 spray bottle

You should wear disposable non-porous rubber gloves, an apron, mask and hand held scrubbers when applying this solution to the black mold areas. Your cleaning gear will become contaminated with the mold so it should be enclosed in a plastic bag as soon as you are finished with the project and placed outside of your home in the thrash bin.

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Mix the solution in a pail of water as well as a spray bottle. This way you can control the amount of the solution that you use. In small areas where there are no fabrics to ruin, you can use the spray. When you have larger areas close to carpets or drapes, you can use the sponges dipped in the chlorine solution.

Spray or wipe the chlorine solution on the surfaces where the mold is located. Wait 10 to 15 minutes. Scrub the mold until the surface is clean and clear of mold. If there are mold areas that are hard to loosen, allow the bleach solution to set for a few minutes to loosen hard to clean moldy areas.

You have to be careful with chlorine bleach because it will bleach out the color from curtains, rugs and upholstery fabrics.

Once you wipe down all the areas in your home with the chlorine bleach solution, you will need to start drying out the areas. Use a dehumidifier unit to reduce the dampness in your home. Dehumidifiers extract moisture from the air. It is the combination of dampness and darkness that cause the black mold infestation.The dehumidifier unit should be run on a regular basis to keep the air in your home as dry as possible.

In addition to the dehumidifier, an air filtration unit will help purify the air and trap the mold spores. An example of an air filtration unit is the popular Ionic Breeze(tm) that is seen in TV commercials. However, these units are very expensive, you should shop and compare prices and features of air filtration units before you buy. An air filtration unit will trap the pesky mold spores and prevent them from traveling in the air. When the mold spores dry, they become airborne. This is when they cause the most damage to individuals who have allergies or other respiratory problems.

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Finally, check your house for water leaks, water damage, leaking pipes, air conditioning units or any place that water and moisture may be present should be checked to make sure they are connected tightly, working properly. Double check any area that might contribute to the growth of black mold.

Several cases of black mold are the result of air conditioning units not being installed properly. A homeowner recently found large water spots on the
ceiling in her home. These water spots were traced to an air conditioning unit that had not be connected properly. The air conditioning unit had been
leaking for over two years. You can just imagine the amount of damage and black mold. present

Look for standing water outside that is close to the foundation of the home. Look under sinks and cabinets. Black mold will grow anywhere there is a combination of darkness and dampness. Be vigilant and rid your home of black mold infestation.