Causes for Leg Pain

You wake up in the morning, you have leg pain, and late it goes away. You press your leg on the brakes, the pain returns. There are many causes for leg pain, especially pain in the lower leg.

If you have occasional pain in the leg, there is nothing to worry about because it can be from walking or standing for a long period. Varicose veins can also cause pain in the leg that may not last too long.

The following types of pain or swelling are serious, and a doctor should be consulted. Phlebitis, congestive heart failure, the use of certain drugs, and narrowing of the arteries are some of the causes for pain in the leg.

Phlebitis is an inflammation of a vein. Sometimes it is accompanied by a blood clot. The inflammation is what causes the aching feeling. A blood clot in one of the veins can increase the swelling by blocking the flow of blood. This causes more pain. It is important to get immediate medical care if a person has Phlebitis in order to keep the clot from going into the heart or the lungs.

Congestive heart failure causes swelling in both legs, but does not necessarily cause pain. Congestive heart failure occurs when the heart muscle is weakened. When the heart muscle is weakened, it can no longer pump blood very well. Raising the legs may relieve the swelling. If there is shortness of breath, a doctor should definitely be called.

Certain drugs ,such as testosterone, estrogen, blood pressure drugs, birth control pills, and corticosteroid, may also cause swelling in the legs. It is important to tell your doctor if you take any of these drugs and have swelling in the legs,.

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Atherosclerosis, which is caused by the narrowing of the arteries, and causes a buildup of fluid in the lower leg muscles, causes pain in the lower leg. This condition usually occurs in older adults.

Shin splints is a condition that causes pain in the front and sides of the lower leg. It is caused by too much pressure in a muscle as a result of exercise, inflammation of a tendon, a muscle tear, or an inflammation of an outer layer of a bone. Shin splints are a common problem in runners. Usually there is no swelling, redness, or bruising. The pain may begin suddenly or builds up slowly. A shin splint is an injury that causes tiny tears and inflammation of the shin muscles.

Shin splints can also be caused by worn-out shoes or shoes without enough padding. Muscle imbalance, which means the calf muscle is stronger than the shin muscles can cause a shin splint. It can also be caused by doing too much activity too fast. Exercises should be built up gradually.

Usually, if a person has a shin splint, placing ice on the pain can help the pain. In most cases, shin splints clear up after a week or two of rest. However, if the pain is severe or

recurs, other treatments may be necessary. These treatments can include no steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or corticosteroid drugs. Some people benefit from physical therapy, which includes stretching and strengthening exercises for the legs.

Source: A Practical Guide to Everyday Health Decisions and The American Medical Association, Encyclopedia of Medicine