Topical Uses for Castor Oil

Castor oil is associated with relieving constipation for most of us. Or, we’ve heard of Castor oil to help induce labor in heavily pregnant women just praying for anything to help them give birth. While we know the uses for Castor oil when we ingest it, few of us in modern generations know of the many ways Castor oil has been helpful to our bodies for years in topical use! Learn the many ways Castor oil can be used to heal many ailments.

Castor oil is believed to be a miracle oil because it contains an unsaturated fat called ricinoleic acid. This acid is present only in Castor oil, and works in many ways to boost the body’s immune system (helping AIDS sufferers build their t-cells), get rid of finer and toenail fungi, regrow hair, and even treat gynecological issues. It is believed that Castor oil can remove painful cysts and boils on the skin, cure bacterial and fungal infections, and repair acne-ridden skin. It’s even a common remedy for ringworm and other parasites.

Castor oil is simply poured into a cloth and wrapped around the affected area overnight. For smaller afflictions, like a wart or cyst, dousing bandage with Castor oil and then placing it over the wound is beneficial. Repeat the process every night until the affliction is gone. In America, Castor oil has been administered to children every time they fall ill (and even their siblings who haven’t) to boost their immune systems and keep them well. While not practiced largely today, Castor oil has been a staple in American homes for decades.

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In the Canary Islands, nursing mothers often use the Castor bean leaf to ease the pain and inflammation of nursing, and promote breast milk production. They make poultices out of the Castor bean leaf and apply it to their breasts to help them produce milk more effectively and with less pain and inflammation. For their menstrual cycles to be normal, they apply the poultice from the Castor bean to their abdomens.

Castor oil is typically sold in liquid form, but can be purchased in Castor oil packs for administering as well. Applying the Castor oil topically allows the body to absorb the oil without the drastic effects of diarrhea and cramping. Castor oil applied topically improves circulation and oxygen flow in the blood, making the packs or cloth application ideal for those suffering from circulatory or varicose vein issues.

Talk to your doctor before adding Castor oil to your daily regimen, but I bet if you ask your grandmother about Castor oil, she would come up with a hundred ways to use the stuff, and odds are, the Castor oil remedy would work as well! Castor oil can be purchased in the vitamin or medicine aisle of most stores (sometimes in the cooking department), and should be ingested with caution (just ask my sister).


sister using Castor oil during pregnancy (didn’t work)