Top Ten Gift Ideas for Men Over Sixty-Five

Men over sixty-five like many of the same gifts that the rest of us do. Don’t assume that because he is sixty-five that he likes little old man gifts. Remember, people in this age group were in high school or in their twenties when rock music came on the scene and when the upheavals of the sixties hit. When you think of gifts for men over sixty-five, think sex, drugs, and rock and roll. At the same time, a man over sixty-five many not enjoy or feel comfortable with a high tech gift, although most use computers and the Internet. He is probably not going to be interested in downloading music onto her iPod or in cell phones with lots of toots and whistles. Here are ten gift ideas for the man over sixty-five.


An older man may want to stay in shape but the young, hard bodies in health clubs probably intimidate him. Wal-Mart has a bike with handlebars that work the upper body while the pedals work the legs. It is called the Stamina and sells for around $90. The bike needs to be put together but it comes with its own toolkit and very good instructions. Even so, offer to help him assemble it.


Almost any man over sixty-five would enjoy the gift of live theater tickets. A plus for you is that many theaters have a senior discount so that you may be able to get tickets for around $20. Study the offerings of the live theaters in your area and pick out something he would enjoy. Don’t assume he would like only revivals or moldy oldies.

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If he has been part of the fifties of sixties, your over sixty-five-year-old man has smoked marijuana. He has probably gotten out of the habit of using it but would appreciate a little toke now and then. Be sure to remind him that today’s marijuana is much more powerful that what she smoked back in the day. Marijuana isn’t cheap like it was in the olden days either. A gram will cost you $15 to $20.


Many men over the age of sixty-five do not see any point in having a cell phone but, if he ventures out of the house, it would be a nice gift in case of emergencies. Tracphone has nice, reconditioned phones and 450 prepaid minutes good for a year that cost $99. They also have shorter programs going down to two months for $19.95, including phone. Once he has experienced the convenience and security of a cell phone, he may decide to continue the service.


Many men of all ages are fascinated by war and love to read about it and watch movies about it. The History Channel’s Ultimate Collection has a very good history of World War 2 on a two DVD set for 38.29 at Amazon.


This sounds like a standard little old man gift but men enjoy getting the stuff and you can give something other that Old Spice. Overstock sells Canoe for $18.99 and if you don’t like Canoe, they have a huge selection of other scents.


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If the man over sixty-five likes sports, he would probably enjoy a subscription to SPORTS ILLUSTRATED. You can get a great deal at the Magazine Site and purchase 56 issues for 38.95.


While he is watching is war DVD gift, the over sixty-five year old man might enjoy sipping cognac. Courvoisier makes a very good VSOP for forty or fifty dollars at you friendly local liquor store.


Many men are fascinated by flight and a man over sixty-five has lived through the history of much of it. If he likes mechanics, airplanes, and aerodynamics, a book called “The Bird is On the Wing” is just the thing. It sells for $20.20 at Overstock.


OK, this sounds like the standard, tried and true old fogy gift. But wait. The average over sixty-five-year-old man has spent his life in tighty whities or standards boxers. He may not even know of the soft comfort of boxer briefs. These will also make him feel quite sexy. Target has some very attractive boxer briefs for 7.99 a pair.

Well, there you have it. Ten gift ideas for the man over sixty-five.

