Top Ten Gift Ideas for a Male College Student

Buying a gift for a college-age boy can be a rather daunting task. Parents and other loved ones find that he is too old for childish toys and too young for socks and embroidered handkerchiefs. To help those buying gifts for a male college student, I’d like to present a few ideas that would thrill both me and many of my friends to find under the tree Christmas morning.

Firstly, focus on the activities the young man takes part in and any other interests that you know of. As a parent or other loved one, you have the advantage of knowing many of these interests on an intimate level. For instance, does he frequently talk about sports, art, logic-based games, clothing, photography, or any other hobbies or interests?
Think about both the things he is intensely interested in and the areas he has expressed interest in but has not fully explored. In my case, I love disc golf and would be thrilled if my parents researched the sport and bought me a new disc, or a bag to carry them in. On the other side of the fence, I have many times expressed interest in photography but can’t afford a camera to explore it as a hobby. If my parents recognized this interest and got me even a cheap 35mm camera, I would be touched that they put so much thought into it. Like the old saying goes, “It’s the thought that counts.” Often this is used as an excuse to buy a poor or inadequate gift. However, if serious thought goes into a gift, the difference will almost always be visible on the receivers face when he or she unwrap it.

To give you an idea of what a thoughtful idea consists of, I’ll list 10 ideas for myself and many others I know, as well as why I would see them as particularly thoughtful gifts.

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1. A disc bag for use when playing disc golf
This would be a meaningful gift because though the giver may not take part in the sport, they recognize how much I enjoy it. They are encouraging my interests.

2. A 35mm camera
This gift is both practical and thoughtful. I need one for my class next semester, but it also shows a deep knowledge of my passions (I love art, especially photographic). Note: It is important that when buying an item like this, the giver should get what the receiver wants. If you can only afford the snap-and-click vacation camera and your loved-one wants manual focus, you should get something else.

3. My favorite movie that I don’t own (Almost Famous)
Pieces of entertainment that are personal to someone always make good gifts. In this case, a person would have to know my tastes and favorites quite well to know that I should own this movie. If you don’t have that intimate relationship with the receiver, you should ask him or her for ideas on movies. Most college students will have several suggestions.

4. My favorite CD that I don’t have (Wilco – Yankee Hotel Foxtrot)
This gift idea is very similar to the previous. An intimate relationship or at least a recent conversation on the topic would be required to know what CD you should purchase. Once again, don’t be afraid to ask for ideas; most college students will give you 20 to pick from if you give them the chance.

5. A warm winter coat
Have you noticed your son/nephew/boyfriend coming home repeatedly in cold weather with no winter coat? It doesn’t matter that he may claim to not need one. He probably wants one but cannot afford it. If you are unsure about picking out this sort of stylistic gift for your loved one, offer to take them with you on a “shopping spree” for their present. I would almost always want to pick out my own clothes. Note: My mother often buys 5 shirts, lets me pick 2 and returns the others; this seems to work well. She learns my taste in clothing, and I feel like I have some control over my clothing choices.

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6. An iTrip for my iPod (FM transmitter to play iPods on any radio tuner)
Has your loved-one recently purchased a new piece of technology? If he has, he almost certainly wants 5 or 6 accessories to go along with it. Most new technology now comes with the bare minimum of features, allowing users to decide what they want and need to add to it. It shows a lot of thought and effort to shop around and research the type of technology your loved-one already owns, and then decide what he may like to add to it.

7. A spring jacket (micro fiber)
Once upon a time, I had a wonderful spring jacket made from a very sensuous micro fiber material. I ended up leaving the jacket at a friend’s house never to see it again. When an item is very dear to my heart and I lose it, it creates a longing to see it or hold it again. This may seem silly when talking about a jacket; but if I unwrap a similar jacket on Christmas morning, I honest might cry. This idea is perhaps the most thoughtful of all gift ideas. (Apart from a Gift of the Magi scenario)

8. A membership to National Geographic magazine
This is actually a gift I received last year, after which I told the person that gave it to me, “This is both the most thoughtful and best gift I’ve ever received.” For an inexpensive and insightful idea, a magazine subscription is the perfect gift to anyone. Think about your loved-one’s passions and interests. Quite probably, there is a magazine for that particular interest, perhaps even 10 or 11.

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9. A trip to Taquamanon Falls in any season
If your loved-one enjoys spending time with you and has one or a few favorite places, there is no better idea than taking them on a trip to one. Not only does it show your knowledge and understanding of their interests, it also shows a desire to spend time with them. If your loved-one is an outdoor lover, almost any destination would be a good gift to give.

10. Tickets to a Wilco concert
Particular events can me more memorable of a gift than any toy or sweater ever could. Whether your loved-one enjoys sports, theater, or independent films, this gift will always thrill them. If you have an interest in the event and would like to buy two tickets to go with them, it is all the better. Time together with your loved-ones is the best gift of all, especially during the holiday season.

One last note: Don’t ever discount the idea of writing coupons for time together and other favors. Just because you did it when you were 8 does not mean that you cannot do it as an adult. I used this idea for my girlfriend’s birthday and she just about flipped. Think about it, would you rather have had your dad take you out to 10 dinners and on 6 golfing outings when you were younger, or would you rather have had the newest style of footwear?