Where to Find Free School Supplies

Search the Internet for information on saving money on school supplies and the number of articles and ideas are practically endless. However, although many bargains can be found when shopping sales and online stores, free school supplies are right under many peoples’ noses. Before paying another dime for school supplies, consider the following places to find everything from free pencils to free binders. It really is not necessary to purchase school supplies that are not disposable, and the following places to find free school supplies will help you get started on collecting the items kids want and need to begin the new season.

Free Pens and Pencils

Is it really necessary to buy brand new pens and pencils? Before going to the store and spending money on all new school supplies look in junk drawers, desk drawers, and pencil holders throughout the house. Chances are you already have many pens and pencils, and more than likely some have never been used. Sure, a good portion of these pens and pencils are not really free since they were purchased at one time or another, but kids do not require new school supplies other than disposables to begin the new season.

My daughter has numerous pencils that were free, and most are embellished with colorful graphics that range from a personal happy birthday message to metallic eye-catching butterflies. Most have never been sharpened. She picked up many of these free school supplies at church and school fun fairs, and other free pencils were tossed in our direction during local parades. I do not see the need to buy new school supplies including pens and pencils when dozens of perfectly good writing utensils are overflowing from household pencil holders and desk drawers.

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Crayons for Free

How many kids really need a brand new box of crayons at the start of each school year? Of course many of the crayons in a box become broken and worn down to dull nubs, but most kids have a large crayon collection at home, and they cannot all be broken and worn. Instead of searching for bargains on crayons for school, search the child’s crayon collection at home for free supplies. Separate the best from the rest, and make up a new box that can be stored inside a school supply container. A cardboard box with a brand name label is not required.

Free Binders

Another item that is often purchased at the beginning of each school year is the ever popular binder. Cheap cardboard binders covered in vinyl might need to be replaced within months of purchase, but the more expensive varieties should remain usable from one year to the next – if they have not been abused. When searching for free school supplies to eliminate the need to make a costly trip to the store, look around the house for binders used in years passed. Chances are if kids had quality binders, those binders can still be found tucked away in a closet or drawer, and they are free for the taking.

Erasers for Free

Before heading for the store to buy new school supplies, consider the number of perfectly good erasers collecting dust on desks and in junk drawers throughout the home. Erasers are cheap, but the price of school supplies adds up fast. Combine the cost of school supplies with book rental fees and the price can be staggering. Why buy new erasers if free ones can be found in the home? Kids do not need brand new erasers if free ones are available for the taking.

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Free Rulers

Most lists of required school supplies include a ruler, and this is one item that should last for years if it is not abused or misused. Why buy a new ruler every year of a child’s elementary school career? Open a desk drawer and chances are a free ruler can be found lying along the edge. It might not be a new and exciting color, but this ruler is free since it was purchased months or even years ago.

Glue for Free

How many bottles of glue must one child collect before parents stop purchasing a new bottle year after year? When searching for bargains on ordinary white glue, look in the utility room or craft supply cabinet. Chances are you will find at least three partial bottles of perfectly good school glue. Combine the bottles and voila, you have a free bottle and eliminate the need to shop for all new school supplies!

Free Supply Boxes

Years ago, boxes for school supplies were made primarily of cardboard. Kids were lucky if their school box lasted an entire year before the edge of lid ended up inside the box time and time again where it became nearly impossible to remove. Instead of buying a brand spanking new supply box every year, have kids reuse the old one. This free box to hold school supplies can be embellished with stickers, faux gems, or other decorative craft supplies if the child wants something that looks different or new.

Book Bags for Free

Many parents are in the habit of buying new books bags year after year. Kids carried their books without a bag decades ago, and they were every bit as thick and equally as heavy. Since the book bag phenomenon, some kids insist on a fancy new bag each year, but in hard economic times it is not necessary to replace a perfectly good book bag. If a book bag is still sturdy, clean it if necessary and keep using it until it develops an irreparable tear.

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Of course some new school supplies are necessary when preparing for the coming season, but learning to reuse items that are still good is the best way to save money on school supplies. As previously mentioned, school supplies that were previously purchased are not completely free, but in a way they are if you consider how many items will not have to be purchased. Help kids realize that it is wasteful to buy new supplies for school just for the sake of having new items, especially if they already have the necessary school supplies that are in good condition.