Top Ten Birthday Gifts for Teen Girls

Top Ten Birthday Gifts for Teen Girls #1: Gift Card to Favorite Clothing Store

Teen girls love cloths and no matter how many outfits they already own, they want more. That’s why the perfect birthday gift for teen girls in a gift card to their favorite clothing store. Trust me; it’s better to give them a card to their favorite store than give them something they wouldn’t be caught dead wearing.

Top Ten Birthday Gifts for Teen Girls #2: iTunes Gift Card

Teen girls also love music. A gift card to the iTunes store would make the perfect birthday gift for teen girls. They’ll be able to download all of their favorite songs and videos. They can even find audio books, like Harry Potter.

Top Ten Birthday Gifts for Teen Girls #3: Netflix Subscription

Teen girls also love movies, but taking them to the video store several times a week can get annoying. Instead of rushing back and forth to the video store, just give them a subscription to Netflix. That way they can rent all the movies they want without having to go to the video store.

Top Ten Birthday Gifts for Teen Girls #4: MP3 Pillow

If they already have an mp3 player, give them an mp3 pillow. They will be able to plug their mp3 player into the pillow and listen to music while they rest or read. Best of all, with this birthday gift, they’ll be able to turn up their favorite music without you having to listen to it.

Top Ten Birthday Gifts for Teen Girls #5: Candy Bouquet

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You can either make this birthday gift yourself or you can find it online as well. To make this birthday gift yourself, simply purchase their favorite candy and arrange it inside of a flower pot. You could also arrange it inside of a cute little purse as well.

Top Ten Birthday Gifts for Teen Girls #6: Day at the Spa

A wonderful way to treat teen girls on their birthday is to take them to a spa. A day at the spa is a wonderful birthday gift for teen girls. This is also a great way to spend time with them. You could both spend the day getting all the treatments the spa has to offer and then go out for supper together.

Top Ten Birthday Gifts for Teen Girls #7: Pink Motorola Cell Phone

Something else teen girls love to do is talk on the phone. This year surprise them with a pink Motorola cell phone. You can find a few different styles, but the important thing to remember is to choose a prepay plan. This way, they will have to pay for the additional minutes in the future.

Top Ten Birthday Gifts for Teen Girls #8: Shopping Spree

If you want to make them really happy, take them on a shopping spree. This is a birthday gift that teen girls will flip over. They will love hitting all of their favorite stores and buying items they’ve been drooling over. It’s best to set a limit before you go shopping though or you may find yourself broke at the end of the day.

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Top Ten Birthday Gifts for Teen Girls #9: Cash

Not sure what to give them? Cash always make a great birthday gift. Teen girls can use the money for movie tickets, clothing, CDs, DVDs, etc. If you’re worried about what they might spend the money on give them a VISA gift card instead.

Top Ten Birthday Gifts for Teen Girls #10: Car

The best birthday gift you can give teen girls is a car. It doesn’t even have to be a new car. Just the gift of the open road is enough.
