Baby Shower Games for Dads

Hosting a baby shower for couples is a great way to include the future dad in the festivities. You must be sure to make it fun for the dads and avoid the girly baby shower games such as Gift Bingo and Baby Word Unscramble. There must be a higher level of competition for the dads in attendance. Let them play the games while you watch, and I promise it will be quite entertaining.

Here is a list of baby shower games for dads. They are fun, competitive, and sure to bring a roll of laughter years from now when you pull out the video footage or snapshots.

Best Pregnant Couple Award

When you send out the Baby Shower invites to each couple, you will need to send a note about this fun activity. Ask every couple to come to the shower dressed like they are pregnant. The catch is that the male must be the one pregnant. Have the real pregnant couple vote and be sure to give a prize for the best dressed pregnant couple. A printed out award certificate is a nice idea.

Diaper Changing Game

You will need a baby doll, outfit, and diaper for each dad in attendance. This is a relay game to see who can undress the baby, change the diaper, and redress the baby the fastest. You can make this more difficult by adding steps that they have to follow like wiping and applying diaper rash cream. This will give you great insight to how well they change their own baby’s diaper.

Baby Bottle Drinking Contest

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Each dad will need a baby bottle filled with soda. They will probably not participate if you fill it with milk, so use a drink they really like. The object is to see who can drink down the bottle first. This game is hilarious to watch. You see everyone’s cheeks moving in and out so fast! This seems so easy, but it is rather difficult to suck fast through such a tiny hole.

What Kind of Poop is it? Game

This game will take a little preparation, but it is worth it. You will need 10 diapers and 10 different candy bars. Unwrap and place one candy bar in each numbered diaper and melt in the microwave. The time it takes to melt them varies, but make sure that you cannot tell which candy bar is in there. Let them cool off and you are ready to play. Couples can work together on a team for this game. The dads sniff each diaper and take a guess at which candy bar and the moms write it down. Take lots of pictures of the dads sniffing the diapers – very funny to look at later.

Baby Food Guessing Game

You will need 10 different kinds of baby food in jars. Remove the labels and number the jars, but make sure you know what kind is in each jar. Pass around the numbered jars and everyone has to guess what kind of food is in the jar. For extra fun, give everyone 10 plastic taster spoons and allow them to taste each kind. This actually doesn’t make it that much easier, and it is fun to see the faces the dad’s make when tasting. Have the dads do the tasting and guessing and the moms write down on paper what each couple thinks is in the jars.

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It is good to give prizes for each game because what is competition without a reward. Candy and other snack food items make great inexpensive prizes for the dads who win. Have fun, take lots of pictures and video footage, and have the pregnant couple include a picture of each dad playing the games in their thank you cards.

Note: I only refer to dads and moms in attendance for consistency, but couples without children can have fun playing these games too. You can also make a few adjustments if you have singles in attendance.