Top 5 Ways to Make Money Over the Summer

You just got home from school for summer break, and you’re bored. You have tons of time, and no way to spend it because you’re broke. The smart thing to do would be to look for a job. After beating Super Mario Bros. for the eleventh time, you decide it’s finally time.

The next problem is qualifications, and since you’re only a student, you might not think you have many options. This guide is here to help.

Through scouring, or the classifieds, it is easy to find a viable job within minutes.

1. Dog Walking

If you’re good with animals, start walking dogs. You can make $10 – $20 per dog, and many companies ask you to walk 4-6 dogs at a time. The prime hours for this are when people are at work, and most companies ask that you will be free between 10 AM and 3 PM, Monday thru Friday. This would easily pay $200 a week, and you only give up five hours a day.

2. Painting

Painting is definitely physical labor in its most glorious form, and you can expect to be fairly worn out, albeit incredibly satisfied, after an honest day’s work. You can make upwards of $12 an hour, and as long as work hard, you should do fine. Other benefits include getting tan and incredibly toned.

3. DJing

Go DJ, that’s my DJ. If you’re turntable-istically inclined, DJing is a very profitable venture to get into. While startup costs are high (such as turntables, mixers, speakers, music etc.), if you already have experience, the demand to be entertained is there. Many agencies will put you in touch with couples who are looking for DJs for their wedding, and you can make at least $250 to be part of someone’s wedding festivities. House parties are also a viable option, though with the advent of iPods, you are less likely to get paid unless its an actual venue.

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4. Writing for Associated Content

While some people would shy away from anything remotely academic over the summertime, anyone who enjoys writing or researching should write for this website. You can get paid up front for writing articles, and can also submit original audio files, slideshows, and videos. There is also a system in place for getting paid per page view, and once your views are up in hundreds of thousands, you can make some serious bank.

5. Mowing Lawns

Summertime is fun for people, but isn’t such a blast for lawns. The sun shines intensely, and the grass starts to get brown and die. By August, many think mowing the lawn is a daunting and somewhat unsatisfying task. Some people, myself included, feel that it is always a daunting and unsatisfying task. I would gladly pay someone else to mow my lawn, and that is exactly what I do. Working with a landscaping company you could make probably $10 – $12 an hour. Working by yourself, you could charge at least $20 a lawn. If you find the hot sun and smell of freshly mowed grass appealing, this is definitely worth a shot.