Top 5 Prepaid Cellphones on the Market

These days prepaid cellphones seemingly grow on trees. Nearly every phone available on the market has a prepaid counterpart, and that includes some of the great, top quality, phones you have come to expect from top tier cell service providers, like Sprint, Verizon, and AT&T.; Unfortunately you may find that not every phone is covered on every plan, so I’m going to list my pick of the top 5 prepaid cellphones and their carriers.

Top prepaid cellphone carrier: Straight Talk

Straight talk is a great prepaid cellphone provider with exceptional service and reasonable rates. Though you can’t buy just a few minutes with these guys, for $30 you get 1 months service paid up front, and it can be set to recurring. For only $45 you get unlimited service. No more buying minutes all through the month, with this plan you can easily see how much you pay and never be tied down to a contract again. To be clear, I’m rather fond of the razor but it appears straight talk has discontinued them.


Top 5 prepaid cellphones: The Samsung R355C

The Samsung R355C available through Straight talk is a great prepaid cellphone featuring a QWERTY keyboard and palm shaped design. The design of this cellphone makes your life easier when texting, but this cellphone is also a very cheap alternative to a cellphone lease agreement, at $159 which includes your first month’s unlimited usage.

Top 5 prepaid cellphones: The Samsung T401G

The Samsung T401G is another great alternative to a cellphone lease agreement, costing a bit less than the R335C. The T401G also features a QWERTY keyboard, but this phone has a slide out keyboard and slimmer more natural design. While it may not have all the features of the iPhone line, it’s still a great alternative to a lengthy lease agreement, and contract termination costs. The T401G cellphone is priced at $144.99 for a 1 month unlimited plan, enabling you to talk as long as you like, send all your texts, and browse the web while at your doctors office.

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Top prepaid cellphone carrier: Boost Mobile

Boost mobile owned by sprint is a relatively new company providing month to month prepaid cellphone services without the hassle of a contract, of course as per the usual this means purchasing your phone outright. However there are a few good phones to pick from.


Top 5 prepaid cellphones: The Samsung Seek

The Samsung Seek is an extraordinary phone including a camera, GPS, and much more, all for a relatively small cost of $149.99. Unfortunately it appears you have to purchase the unlimited month to month plan at $50 a month separately from the phone. Still when considering the charges incurred by failing to meet your lease agreement it’s another great alternative.

Top prepaid cellphone carrier: Virgin Mobile

Virgin mobile which is partially owned by Sprint provides a per minute service option and unlimited plans with re ups on demand as well as a nice feature rich line of phones with which to use their service on.


Top 5 prepaid cellphones: The LG Rumor Touch

The LG Rumor Touch is about as close as you will ever come to a cool iPhone in an affordable prepaid plan the phone features touch screen slide out qwerty keyboard and a killer design all at an affordable rate of $149.99 though it’s not indicated if this cost includes any starter service it is typical to have some kind of plan attached to any new phone purchase.

Top 5 prepaid cellphones: The Blackberry Curve

If you don’t know the name blackberry you probably haven’t been out of your cave in a few years, though this phone isn’t the top consumer pick of all the phones available on lease or with contracts, it’s a definite must have for anyone who does loads of texting. The Blackberry curve features the Blackberry standard QWERTY keyboard and a whole host of applications all for only $249.99 though it is a bit pricy this prepaid phone is well worth it.

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All good phones and only the best possible service plans but if you’d rather sign up on a two year contract and be stuck with one carrier for the next year, just to upgrade your phone, then your welcomed to it. However, for the rest of us I would suggest any one of these top 5 prepaid cellphones.
