Top 5 Gamecube Games of All Time

Before Nintendo’s move to motion-based control, the Gamecube packed a lot of fun into a very small package. With the Wii offering full backwards compatibility and support for original Gamecube controllers, there really is no excuse not to try the titles below.

Top Gamecube games of all time number 5: Animal Crossing

One of the more unique titles on Nintendo’s cubic console, Animal Crossing placed your custom-made avatar into a village populated by socially-needy animals, and lumbered you with a mortgage and a job. Whilst this may not sound like fun, the variety of tasks and means of gathering money (bells being the currency of choice) made this a hugely compelling experience. With a real-time clock and calendar, certain items and animals only become available at certain times of day or even months of the year. From fishing to collecting fruit, there is always something going on at the crossing, and you’ll find yourself coming back time and time again.

Top Gamecube games of all time number 4: Resident Evil 4

The Gamecube may have a reputation for cutesy, childish games, but Resident Evil 4 certainly isn’t one of them. Featuring some of the Gamecube’s finest visuals and gripping horror action, this is one of the finest entries in the series and one of the best games on the Gamecube.

Top Gamecube games of all time number 3: Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

Whilst the cell-shaded graphic style may put a few gamers off, the excellent gameplay and epic action-adventure gameplay that has become the hallmark of this series remains in place. Taking place in a vast world which you must navigate by land and by sea, The Wind Waker has enough puzzles and dungeons to put a smile on the face of any adventure gamer. A Gamecube essential.

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Top Gamecube games of all time number 2: Metroid Prime

Metroid Prime pushed the poor little Gamecube to its graphical limits, but it is worth the strain on your console for one of the finest gaming experiences on any console. Ever.

Metroid Prime takes Samus’ adventure into 3D, and delivers in every aspect. It’s action-packed, sublime to control and should be in any respectable gamer’s collection.

Top Gamecube games of all time number 1: Super Smash Bros. Melee

There are graphically more impressive titles even on Gamecube, but Super Smash Bros. Melee features gameplay that is simple to pick up, yet deep enough to master if you’re prepared to put the time in. The premise is simple – using your Nintendo character of choice and an array of weaponry and items from a wide variety of games to brutally pummel similarly cute-faced foes in colourful and interactive landscapes. Frantic 4-player fun for newcomers and seasoned gamers alike.


The Gamecube features some of the gaming world’s more unique and niche titles, and whilst it may be too cutesy for some more mature gamers, there should be something for everyone in this top 5 selection. Compatibility with the Wii and bargain prices mean it is not too late to sample the offerings above.