Best Jeans for Women with Flat Butts

All women have an area of their bodies that they want to enhance. For some of use its the rear end. Many women are plagued with a flat butt and no amount of exercise seems to change it. They seem to just be naturally petite and lack a large behind. When shopping for jeans these women want to try and bring out the little bit of curve that their derrieres naturally have.
Here are five top jeans that seem to aid women in their search for adding that little bit of behind.

1) Levi Flare Jeans

These jeans are made specifically for a slim fit. The Levi 524 fits tight from hip to knee and then flares but not to the extreme of the seventies bell bottoms. They also have a Perfectly Slimming 512 which is even more slimming for the petite figure. These jeans give a slim figure the illusion of more curves. The pockets in the back are set closer together and are flap pockets which helps make the butt look more flattering when flat and lacking extreme curve.

The price for these jeans normally average in price from $35-$60 per pair depending on where you buy it.

You can buy these jeans directly from Levi at their website.;=3146849.3146879.3146884

2) Levi 501 Boyfriend Cut Jeans

These jeans are a mid rise jean that is a bit tighter then the more popular Levi brands. This tightness through the hip and thigh give the impression of more hip and butt then actually exist which is very flattering for a petite figure.

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They normally retail for around $80 per pair.

3) Old Navy Diva Jeans

These are my personal favorite for a flat butt. They are excellent for giving you the look of curves when your body is petite with very little butt. They are similar to Levi’s by being tight from thigh to knee and then flaring slightly.

The price of these jeans is also very reasonable. Depending on which variety the price ranges from $15-$35 per pair.

4) Old Navy Flirt Jeans

The Old Navy Flirt Jeans are similar to the Diva but they fit a bit tighter between the hip and knee. They are excellent for super petite figures. They give a wonderful effect for the butt and hip.

These jeans average $15-$35 per pair.

5) Gap Always Skinny

The Gap has released a line of jeans called Always Skinny. These jeans are designed for the petite skinny form. It accents the positives in this body type and makes the butt look more perky and rounder. The jeans are very tight from hip all the way down. They are also a low rise that seems to give the butt an extra pop effect in the back. This is a nice jean for a petite women who lacks much curve in the rear area.

The average price of these jeans is around $60 per pair.

When shopping for jeans to bring out your natural curves and make your butt more prominent remember that a snug fit is flattering when you are skinny, petite, and lack a behind. It will make the little bit of curve that your butt projects to be more prominent.