Top 5 Adele Songs

I first heard Adele on the radio with “Rolling in the Deep“. I suspect this may be the same case for many people. Next I heard “Someone Like You” and I was hooked. Adele has come into my life and moved me so much that I just have to praise her, just had to express my sheer ecstasy when I listen to her voice manipulate my emotions like clay in her hands.

To give you an idea of how significant it is that I create a Top 10 list for Adele, consider that the only other Top 10 list I’ve made is for Royksopp , THE artist of my life. For Adele to resonate with me this much is huge. And many people share my sentiment – Adele’s songs have been topping charts all over the place. Adele does not have as many songs out as Royksopp did when I made their Top 10 list so I went with just a top 5 for Adele so I can really bring out the best of Adele.

Without further ado, here is my list:

5. Rumor Has It

Now this is a song that took some time to grow on me. At first it felt different than other Adele songs and after some investigation I found out why. This song is a much more aggressive song than Adele’s usual fare that I deviate to (I usually go for the really sad songs). That’s probably the best way I can put it. The general theme I gather from what Adele sings is more of a resigned sadness, something inescapable but this song, while still containing some level of sadness, is more upbeat because the story really involves the protagonist – probably Adele – taking control and really being strong in her life and moving forward from an undesirable situation.

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I think the production of the song takes away some from Adele’s marvelous voice but the change in pace, so to speak, of this song is well worth it.

4. Rolling in the Deep

This is the song that introduced me to Adele. I listen to it quite often and it pumps me up every time I hear it and yet instills in me a twinge of sadness. In particular, the stanza that begins with, “The scars of your love remind me of us” is bitingly sad. However, the fundamental spirit of the song is more upbeat in that the music shifts the words from sad to powerful contemplation.

Adele’s trademark voice shines through in this song and her ability to convey emotion is spot on.

3. Chasing Pavement

I interpreted this song to be about wanting to tell someone she loves them, a process that seems to involve travel. The song is mellow and not necessarily sad, which I’ve found a lot of Adele’s songs I’m drawn tend to be, but there’s something heavy about what Adele is feeling and conveying.

The topic is another change of pace from the songs I’m attracted to and the minimal instrumental accompaniment let’s Adele sing her heart out and reach into my soul.

2. Hometown Glory

This is the second song I heard chronologically of Adele with just Adele and a piano accompanying her. (You’ll see the first song I heard of this style later in this list.) I’m starting to feel a trend in the feelings Adele’s song carry. This one once again shines with a brilliant sadness, though a different brand of sadness than before. It’s more a wistful sadness, missing something from the past, so not necessarily painful like a broken heard would be.

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1. Someone Like You

What an amazing song! For anyone who has experienced heartbreak of any sort this song will cut right to your core through any number of barriers you may have set up. The soulful piano in the background amplifies Adele’s amazing voice and the emotions soar in this song. I find it hard to believe that such an effect can be had on me with just a piano and a singer but Adele pulls it off.

The tale of love and pain contained in the song is touching, made perfect by Adele’s ability to not only tell you but show you what it is to be heartbroken.