How Does Ecstasy Affect the Mind and Body?

There are so many ways to think about ecstasy. Maybe it is having a sense of euphoria, or something of that nature. According to one of the definitions of ecstasy in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, it is an extreme and usually rapturous emotional excitement. This term can also be used with sexual activities. But in this case it is not.

What is Ecstasy? Is it the drug that is most popular in rave clubs?

According to the Bantam Medical Dictionary, it is a mildly hallucinogenic drug that generates feelings of euphoria in those who use it. This particular drug is illegal in the majority of the countries. Ecstasy is also called E, X, XTC. It has a pill-like form and it is ingested in this manner. This drug is also taken mainly in underground rave clubs.

Ecstasy can bring about some subjective effects as a result from usage. Individuals who take Ecstasy usually want to feel like they are on “cloud 9.” These feelings often range from an increase in positive emotions and a decrease in negative emotions. The individual’s well-being is increased as well as becoming more sociable and having a feeling of closeness or connection with other people. Also, there is reduce in defensiveness and a fear of questioning as well as their insight and introspective ability sense is increased.

Not only Ecstasy has subjective effects, it also has other effects, such as short-term, neurological, acute physiological effects, and adverse long-term effects.

Short-Term, Neurological, and Acute Physiological Effects

One of the short-term neurological effects from Ecstasy is the chemical neurotransmitter serotonin. This has an important part in determining mood and pleasure. In addition to mood and pleasure, serotonin plays a role in the release of several hormones, such as prolactin and vasopressin.

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Acute physiological effects of Ecstasy may include dilating of the pupils, which results in increased photosensitivity and color perception. The pupils with the use of this illicit drug will also cause impaired vision. Ecstasy will cause the fast movement of the eyeball, which is involuntary, to move in one direction in a quick manner, and then the eye will move in the direction in a slow manner. This condition is also called nystagmus. Other acute physiological effects may include a general lack of rest, a loss appetite, the heart rate, and blood pressure may increase. This effect will also cause the individual to lose sleep, become de-hydrated, paranoia, and depression. This type of behavior can last from a few hours to possibly several weeks.

The following conditions are three main causes of death among Ecstasy users:

a.) Hypoatremia: This is the number one cause of death among individuals who use the drug.

b.) Hyperthermia: This is the second cause of death. Dance parties are a very good example of a hyperthermia-risk environment. This is usually due to the other individuals who are also high on stimulant drugs and these parties are often crowded and not ventilated.

c.) Overdose: Overdose is the third leading cause of death among Ecstasy users.

Like short-term effects, there are some long-term effects as well. However, the long-term effects are unknown at the present time. But in some cases, the disorder appears to be permanent. These adverse long-term effects seem to have happened in a small fraction of a percentage.

With the popularity of the Ecstasy drug, there are some safety issues to be concerned about. These are some safety guidelines:

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a.) The Ecstasy pills may vary dramatically, depending on the dosage and the purity. Some dosage may be stronger or weaker than it is mentioned. Other Ecstasy pill may contain other substances. In other words, some Ecstasy pills are imitation pills because they are substituted with various substances, such as ketamine, methamphetamine, and caffeine. Some Ecstasy users will go as far as buying a pill tester kit to establish that this illicit drug is really MDMA.

b.) Ecstasy use can be dangerous when mixing other kinds of drugs, such as MAOIs (Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors) and anti-retroviral drugs, mainly Ritonavir. Mixing these two types of drugs can prove to be very fatal.

c.) Ecstasy causes the regulation of the body’s internal systems to reduce its functionality. For example, if an individual who is using this drug decides to dance on a continuous basis, then his/her activity can lead to dangerous overheating and dehydration. Too much drinking water without consuming a suitable amount of salt can lead to hypoatremia, or water intoxication.

This drug is the type that makes an individual have a euphoric sense for one minute and the other minute; they get the depression type of mentality. People must realize that Ecstasy is a hallucinogen. The bottom line is to stay away from Ecstasy or other hallucinogenic drugs that will alter the mind.
