Top 10 Reasons I Hate St. Louis’ Metrobus Service

Top 10 Reasons I Hate St. Louis’ Metrobus Service:
10. Drivers anxious to get off work they run early to get relieved.
09. Drivers who drive the bus while a passenger or passengers are still in front of the standee line. This is illegal.
08. Drivers who talk so much they pass up your stop and have an attitude if you say please stop I did ring the bell over two blocks ago.
07. Big gaps in between transferring buses
06. Loud ignorant passengers
05. The most foul smelling person stays on the bus until I have to get off.
04. Constant and unnecessary changes in routes and schedules.
03. Standing on a crowded bus.
02. Sometimes feeling like suffocating in the heat because the driver won’t turn on the AC.
01. Very unpleasant drivers with no good customer service skills.

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