Top 10 Endangered Animals

Animals become endangered for many factors. It can involve habitats and their environment. With our planet continually changing, animals habitats are often modified. This is not always for the better. Depending on the time frame animals can either adjust or not. If changes happen fast then the animal does not have time to adjust. Other things such as pollution, limited plants which is food for some animals and disease also play a large factor. Pollution plays a large role in aquatic animals. These are mainly due to humans. Here is my top 10 list of endangered animal list in no certain order.

Endangered Animal #1- Mountain Gorilla

With around 700 left on earth in only certain areas of the world they are pretty high on the list. Plus they are my favorite animal, so I had to place them first. Poachers often hunt for these animals in hopes to catch their young. They want to place their young in zoo and other exhibits. They often fail to realize most gorillas do not live long in captivity.

Endangered Animal #2- Javan Rhinoceros

There are approximately 60 of these Rhinoceros left in the world. Around 30 years ago there were only 30 left, thanks to conservation there are more left. Only two known places house these animals. One is Vietnam and the other is Indonesia. The Javan Rhino looks like the one horned Rhino except they are smaller in size.

Endangered Animal #3- Komodo Dragon

The Komodo is the largest lizard around. They can reach 10 feet long and 300 pounds. They are really fast on their feet and have been known to eat humans. This is partially why they are endangered now. There is an estimated 4,000 left. That wouldn’t make them on the list though. The problem is there are only around 400 breeding females left.

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Endangered Animal #4- Koala Bear

The Koala bear is on this list for one reason. Humans. Koalas live on eucalyptus trees only. They don’t eat anything else. They depend on the eucalyptus forest for their nutritional needs. Human activities such as farming and activities have placed this cute bear on the endangered list.

Endangered Animal #5- Giant Panda

These big bears make the list because there are only around 1,000 of these animals left. Most of the panda’s can be found in China. The Chinese government has taken this number into consideration and have established a number of reserves for them. People tend to poach these poor animals for their coats.

Endangered Animal #6- Kagu

There are only around 700 of these birds left. They don’t fly which makes them an easy target for predators. They can be found in the forest of the south pacific island of New Caledonia. European settlers are the ones who started bringing predators around. Things such as cats and dogs will attack these animals.

Endangered Animal #7- Snow Leopard

These animals are often poached for their beautiful fur. They are a little further down the list then most animals with approximally 6,000 or so left. Snow leopards live pretty well in captivity.

Endangered Animal #8- Siberian Tiger

The largest of all tigers is this beautiful animal. There are around 700 of these tigers left. Poaching for their coats is what has killed most. There are around 500 in captivity. The ones that are not in captivity are found in the coniferous forest of eastern Russia. The males tend to weigh double what the females do. They can reach about 650 pounds.

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Endangered Animal #9- African Wild Dog

Urbanization is a threat to these dogs. These animals will hunt in packs and eat things like antelopes and zebras. They can run pretty well, and for long amounts of time. There are around 4,000 of these dogs left.

Endangered Animal #10- California Condor

These are the largest flying bird in North America. Their wingspan can spread up to 9 feet long. They are pretty high up on the endangered list with a little more then 200 around. These birds feed on animals, but they don’t kill. They wait until they find one who is already dead and then they feed on them. They can be found mainly in southern California.