Top 10 Diet Plans for Weight Loss

These top 10 diet plans for weight loss can give someone hope where hope is less found. Don’t compare yourself to others. Don’t look at mirrors every time you pass one. Don’t listen to the negative thoughts you may have about possibly being overweight. Treat yourself to a new you with these top ten picks of diet plans for weight loss, as we begin with number 10.

10. is an online group that helps with the behavioral approach to losing weight. doesn’t stop there, they offer nutritional education through many intelligent minds. Also, a behavioral quiz is found at . A website that requires you to sign-up, but it’s all free so what do you have to lose? Bad habits of looking at weight loss in the wrong angle. The benefits can be countless for those who become involved in, but there is only one way to get there. shares another plan for those seeking to lose weight, the plan of self-awareness.

9. For the men, and women, that want to change their 12 pack into a 6 pack, Tom Venuto’s Burn the Fat plan comes in handy. Tom shares twenty years of experience in his diet plan, and muscle booster. He shows how to turn some fat into muscle, and shed the remainder of unhealthy fat for good. This is perfect for those who would rather not take diet pills, or supplements, and keeping a metabolism at bay. Tom is a specialist, and knowledged in “physical” science when it comes to the human body. Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle 337 page book by Tom Ventuno has been rated high on those who have experienced Tom’s weight loss plan and muscle builder first hand. For offering a life-time diet plan that does so much in only a couple of days a week results in the rightful spot on the list of the top ten diet plans.

8.Diet Watch is another good diet and weight loss plan. Diet Watch offers many different paths to take, not just one, since they take in account that each body is different. They even have a 12 week emotional eating course, that’s right ladies and some men. For 12 weeks you can find out how to lose weight and remain at bay emotionally. Men usually don’t care what they look like (I am sure I will get feedback for this one), but some men that do care about their health enough to try. Diet Watch is more than just a meal plan, as you will take note after visiting

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7. What about those who have more to consider topping weight loss? Lesley Ellis offers the 7-Day Detox Diet PlanChange Your Eating Habits for Life. This smaller than most books (192 pages) is a nice addition to anyone’s battle against weight gain. Don’t let the weight win, tackle it for life by using this diet plan for weight loss. You can find this book at in the Beauty section, or at No matter where you find it, the price seems to always be under $15, an affordable way to find a diet plan to help lose weight.

6. Medifast offers a plan for those 75 or more pounds overweight, and not suggested for those only a little overweight. Medifast is for hard-core issues on weight loss, as they offer a diet plan that has already recieved much positive feedback thus far. The Medifast Medical Group authored a book that they offer to help your progress, including upcoming 5% discounts for VIP users. With Medifast’s online community, online meal planner, and online weight loss tracker, they just made life more simple for everyone. You can gather your meals by ordering online at . Medifast, a plan that covers all the corners in successful diet and weight loss.

Top 5 Diet Plans for Weight Loss

5. Retain Your Brain, Reshape Your BodyThe Breakthrough Brain-Changing Weight Loss Plan by Georgia Andrianopoulos is a great plan to incorporate into any diet and weight loss goal. The human brain can be quite a playground at times, especially when it spots a donut. Like Homer, the brain is hard to tame, doh! But with this book, you can gather new knowledge about how your brain works, and how to rearrange your temptations towards food. This book goes for $16.95 at many book stores, and can be found online at

4. For the children and teens, the Trim Kids diet and weight loss plan is excellent! Parents, your world is about to change when you visit Here Trim Kids helps guide you to a better life-style for your children or teens, but you have to help them through it somewhat since your job is far from over as a parent. In my research, I have not found the main website for this book, however I have found the book itself at Trim Kids A Proven 12-Week Plan That Has Helped Thousands of Children Achieve a Healthier Weight by Melinda S. Sothern, T. Kristian von Almen, and Heidi Schumacher had been written in 2003. Throughout the last five years, this book has become valuable ten times over, as it is rated high on the list of weight loss success for children and teens. At Amazon, they offer this book for $12.95, not too bad for gathering a great 12 week weight loss plan for the little ones to easily complete. The children are important, as Trim Kids makes it on the top ten diet plans with the youth at mind.

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3.Nutrisystem meal replacement program works, but you have to understand to follow the path, the guide, the schedule. Meals go for approximately $9 a day (what you would spend regularly for food not on sale). Nutrisystem is ahead of the game since their plan surrounds the idea of the Glycemic Index (described above). For those wishing to work with the Glycemic Index, but do not know exactly how to do it, or the support and educational areas lack in their library, perhaps Nutrisystem may help. They pretty much get you there through their lessons, meal plans, and daily routines to follow. Don’t worry, it sounds like a lot, but is easier than it sounds.

2.Glycemic Index diet and weight loss plan makes it on the top ten list of better health since it focuses on the inside, and not so much as the outside. It goes back to the bare fact that “you are what you eat”. Glycemic Index (GI, or G.i.) is the measure of carbs that breaks down glucose that is released into the bloodstream. The trick is high in GI, low in carbs. A great book came out on the Glycemic Index called Glycemic Index by Rick Gallop, as others have found that focusing on the GI is important when wanting to lose weight. The Glycemic connection, become aware and share the latest in diet plans (through the Glycemic Index).

1. The first plan in the top ten diet plans for weight loss goes to the Common Sense Diet plan. This plan was created for the people, by the people. The Common Sense Diet plan is quite simple if you know how to discipline yourself. First switch in habits would be to place one slice of bread on your plate, instead of two. Fill your glass half-way instead of full. Avoid the cookie, icecream, and soda isle as much as you can. Simple everyday knowledge that may require reminding to successfully reach. Did you know that gum stays in your system longer than other stomach guests, and adds pounds via sugars, and so on? Another fun fact when you have the urge to chew. It’s all about curving your appetite away from those little extras in life that contribute to possible weight gain, another part of the Common Sense Diet Plan.

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Exercise is important for any human body since it keeps muscles alive, and builds other areas of the human body that can make an old man move faster. The Common Sense Diet plan requires a little exercise. For those who have the habit of asking others to fetch them things, perhaps taking charge of the legs may help. In other words, get up and do it yourself. Stop giving your body a reason to become the world’s greatest couch potato record breaker of all time. A little exercise counts when introducing any diet plan, just another rule to the Common Sense Diet plan. The Common Sense Diet plan, putting the common sense back into the diet.

Weight loss can make or break the crystal ball of a person’s health. If you plan something, and it does not work for you, do not give up. Simply try something new until you have located the right diet plan for your body. Keep moving, even if you tried countless plans, for one day you will meet your match in diet plans for weight loss.