Top 10 Birthday Gift Ideas for Mom

Mom’s birthday only rolls around once a year. During that special day, take time to show her how much you love and appreciate her. There are lots of things that you can get her, and here are a few ideas of things that moms love to get.

1. Family Jewelry. A ring, bracelet or necklace that has birthstones and or names and dates in it. As a mom, having a special necklace that has my children’s birth-dates on it is really sweet. I’m able to share the jewelry with others and show off their birthstones.

2. Other Jewelry, new watch, bracelet, ring etc. My mother can measure the years by the different jewelry she has received on mothers day. Its a challenge each year for my siblings and I to pick out something she doesn’t have, and my stepfather buys it from all of us.

3. Picture frame with picture of kids and spouse in it. Photo Album with family pictures in it. I love having pictures of my children and husband in my wallet, on my desk, at work, and around at home. I can remember them just as they were at that time. And when its recent, it reminds me of them, even when we aren’t together.

4. Hand made cards. There is nothing i treasure more then my children’s artwork, and when its specifically a card, its very sweet.

5. Time off such as a mini vacation, hotel night, day at the spa. As a busy mom, getting a break would be wonderful once in a while. Even if its a special time out with my family, such as a trip to the zoo, or a night at a hotel and a movie. If its just my husband and I, or even a trip out by myself, just some time where I’m not thinking about housework and issues is great. Another idea here is to make her a special meal and a cake. Home made is always a hit, and it shows her just how much you love her.

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6 . Family trip, take her somewhere special from the whole family.

7. Something from her interests, If she likes to garden, get garden supplies, or something shes been craving to use. Moms who like to cook, a new cookbook or baking supplies. A reader may appreciate books by her favorite author, or a gift certificate to a book store.

8. Bath and body gifts, her favorite lotion, scent, perfume, bath salts scented candles. Most moms love to get lotion, perfumes and bath salts. Little bits of pampering. One year my mother got a massage oil set for mothers day, she really loved it.

9. Handwritten letter from kids, or poem from kids about her. Getting personalized letters from the children is like getting art or cards from them. Something she will treasure for years to come.

10. A Personalized gift. Many stores online sell items that can be personalized with moms name and other information. You can get bags, aprons, blankets and pillows, jackets and more.

These are but a few ideas of things you can get for your mom for her birthday. And remember to tell mom you love her!