Too Much Caffeine, the Side Effects and How I Kicked My Caffeine Habit

It is said that too much caffeine isn’t good for you. I didn’t care, I loved it anyway. I loved the taste of the drinks it was contained in and I loved the energy rush that kept me awake and moving. I wasn’t a huge coffee drinker, I would have it a few times a week, but I definitely was a huge iced tea and soda drinker. I didn’t drink anything else all day, every day, except for drinks that were loaded with caffeine.

Then I started getting frequent headaches and my caffeine rushes didn’t last as long as they used to. I felt sluggish in between drinks and I had a problem sleeping. I went to the doctor, who asked me about my diet. When I told him how I drank between ten and twelve glasses a day of caffeine filled beverages, he immediately told me that I had to stop with so much caffeine and that it would be better if I barely drank it at all. I decided to go cold turkey and knock the caffeine out of my system all together. It wasn’t healthy for me to require caffeine in order to run throughout my day, nor was it healthy that I was cranky in the morning until I had a cup of it. My body was used to having a steady stream of caffeine running through it. When I felt like I could drink beverages that had caffeine in it without actually requiring it, then I would again start to have one or two cups a day. My doctor warned me of the side effects that would come about and I prepared myself for it.

On top of my headaches being constant I was still having problems sleeping and I was incredibly cranky. Letting go of caffeine was more difficult then I thought it would be. I was horribly sluggish and annoyed with myself that I had gotten myself into this position over something as stupid as caffeine. Instead of throwing it all away and running for a cup of coffee or soda, I bought caffeine free iced tea at least for the taste purposes. Telling myself that my body would feel better was the only way I kept myself away from grabbing caffeine filled drinks. Each day was easier then the day before. Finally, after about two weeks, I didn’t feel the urge for caffeine anymore nor did I even want the caffeine free iced tea. In addition to having headaches rarely, I was sleeping without problems and I was no longer cranky. I went weeks without caffeine until I started drinking it again- one or two cups a day and that was it.

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I was doing great for years until months ago I realized I was drinking too much caffeine again, too much iced tea and soda, but this time instead of cutting it out all together I started drinking more green tea and water and went back down to one or two cups of caffeine a day. With those changes I also eliminated a lot of sugar from my diet that are found in drinks with caffeine such as soda and iced tea. Now, I am down to having one or two cups of caffeinated drinks two or three times a week. The rest of the time I drink plain water or water with some added natural flavors. When I need an energy boost, instead of running for caffeine I run to exercise. I feel much more energized and I feel healthier.

If you think that you are consuming too much caffeine, talk to your doctor and see what the best recommendation is for you to cut back or cut it out all together. Your body will feel much better after you get past the urge to have it and you find other ways to get yourself moving through your day besides relying on caffeine.