Tips to Prevent or Decrease Gas Naturally

Many people experience problems associated with gas every day, and this can be a very embarrassing situation. Although you can get medications to help prevent gas some people rather get rid of the problem naturally. There are many different ways to prevent or decrease the amount of gas you have and a lot of them are natural. If you are trying to find natural ways to help prevent or decrease gas, then you need to check out some of these tips.

Drinking a lot of water is a natural way to help prevent bloating and associated gas and is free. Drinking a lot of water will help your body process foods faster and can help eliminate the issues associated with digestive problems such as gas.

If you have gas often you also might want to think about how you eat your food. If you eat your food very fast and do not take the appropriate time to chew then you are more likely to have gas. When you eat you want to make sure you are chewing your food for a while so you can give your stomach more ability to digest the foods. You also want to slow down on how fast you eat because eating too fast can also cause gas. Opening your mouth and chewing with your mouth open is also another way you can get gas so you want to make sure you chew your food with your mouth closed. When you chew with your mouth open you are allowing air into your stomach which is one way you can get gas.

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If you have a cup of peppermint tea this can also be a natural way to help prevent or decrease gas symptoms. Peppermint tea helps the stomach and the digestive process to eliminate bloating and gas symptoms while providing other health benefits.

Some people are also lactose intolerant which might be leading to their gas and digestive problems. If you notice that milk and other dairy products are the problem and that you have more gas after consuming these products, eliminate them from your diet. Lactose intolerance can be common in many people but it might not be something you pay attention to until you notice things like bad gas after you consume them. This goes with all products that give you gas, the simple way to eliminate gas naturally is to just stop consuming that particular food or drink.

You should also do some exercises for simple and natural ways to relieve gas problems. You can lay down on your back and pull your legs up to your chest to help get the air out of your stomach naturally. Doing light exercises after you eat will also help your digestive process and can prevent bloating and gas. By moving around and doing light exercise after you eat you are helping circulation and blood flow which is good at preventing gas.

Avoid using canned beans or cooking vegetables with the same water you washed them in to also help naturally prevent gas. Beans are a common vegetable associated with gas and canned beans are even worse than fresh beans due to the preservatives and additives. You should not use the water you cleaned your vegetables with as cooking water because of the potential chemicals in that water. Rinse all of your vegetables or soak them and then get fresh water to cook them with to also help prevent gas naturally.

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Eating smaller and more frequent meals instead of one or two big meals is also a way to prevent or decrease gas naturally. When you eat only one meal a day and it is a big meal, your body has to work harder to digest all of the food which can create gas. In order to prevent gas you should eat small meals so that your body can digest them appropriately and you should also eat more frequently to help your body function properly.

Activated charcoal can also be a natural way to prevent or decrease gas problems. You can get this at any health store and it prevents the chemicals from being formed within the body that causes gas. This is not a long-term solution to gas but can help here and there when you need something to help you get rid of gas if you eat something bad. You can either take this before you eat if you know you are eating a known gas-producing food or after your meal if you develop it during the night.