How to Stop and Prevent Abdominal Bloating

Nearly all of us have experienced abdominal boating at least once in our life. It is a condition, in which our abdomen feels full of intestinal gas, which is uncomfortable and oftentimes painful.

In order to prevent or stop the occurrence of bloating, you need to know its cause. The causes of bloating are different from one person to another; thus, it is wise to determine what particular food or condition triggers your bloating.

One main cause of bloating in women is related to their menstrual cycle. Many experience abdominal swelling during, before or right after their monthly period. Another common cause of bloating is our diet. Excessive intake of salty food, soda, and alcohol are key reasons why we have too much intestinal gas in our tummy. For others, medical conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, lactose intolerance, food allergies, and other forms of digestive tract maladies are the chief cause of abdominal bloating.

The following are effective tips on stopping and preventing bloating:

Know the cause.
If you know the reason why you are bloated, you will be able to prevent it from happening again and again. If you know that milk and other dairy products cause your abdominal bloating, then you should minimize your dairy intake. Better yet, drink medication ahead of time so you would not feel the excruciating pain instigated by intestinal gas.

Pass gas and burp.
One of the best ways to relieve you of the pain of abdominal bloating is to pass gas or burp. Sometimes, when you are bloated, it is quite difficult to pass gas when you are in an upright position. Curl up, sit or bend or find a perfect position that will encourage the passing of gas. Remember, your tummy will continue to feel heavy, sore and tender if there is too much air and gas inside it.

See also  How to Prevent or Reduce Gas Naturally

Veer away from certain types of food.
If you are already experiencing bloating, it is unwise to eat food that will further exacerbate the situation. Therefore, you must avoid eating beans, vegetables, fruits, and certain root crops. Furthermore, stay away from soda, beer, and other bubbly beverage.

Drink plenty of water.
Even if you are not experiencing bloating, it is advisable to ensure that you drink at least eight glasses of water. If your abdominal bloating is caused by constipation, you need water to help soften your stool. You may also want to eat plenty of fiber to help relieve not only the bloating, but the constipation as well.

Keep a food diary.
If you have food allergy or irritable bowel syndrome, you must keep a food diary so that you will know exactly what kinds of food trigger your bloating and IBS. After several bouts of IBS and bloating you will know exactly what causes such symptoms. Some people bloat after eating food with too much herbs and spices, while others suffer from bloating because of nuts and oils.

Take medication.
Bloating can be associated to the pre-menstrual syndrome experienced by a lot of women. An effective way to reduce such condition is to take premenstrual syndrome medication.

If the above tips were not able to alleviate the symptoms of bloating, or if you have been experiencing abdominal bloating for several hours already, it would be advisable for you to already take over-the-counter medication to treat such symptom.

It is quite normal to experience bloating once in a while. However, if you feel that your stomach is perpetually bloated and painful, no matter what you do, you should already consult a doctor. Some grave illnesses, such as colon cancer, cause bloating too; thus, you need to be wary of prolonged bloating sensation.