Tips to Having an Effective Paid Search Campaign

Most Effective Advertising – PPC Management

Are you wondering what your advertising company is doing with your existing PPC campaign? In order to have an optimized paid search campaign your company needs an agency that takes the time to accurately and strategically customize your companies advertising campaign to the products and/or services you sell.

When a Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaign is set-up correctly it is the most targeted form of advertising you can do. Obviously search-engine-optimization (SEO) is another important aspect of being found online. You could consider that SEO is the marathon approach to advertising where PPC would be the sprint approach. The most successful websites usually use a combination of both.

Advertising on the Web

As a seller seeking a buyer you may have television or radio spots that you hope target your particular consumer, they may become aware of your services after hearing or seeing your ad. Typically advertising by radio or TV your companies’ numbers for cost-per-acquisition (CPA) is typically much lower along with a lower return-on-investment (ROI). As we all already know the World Wide Web is most commonly used advertising model to capture the buyer through a well planned out and constantly maintained PPC campaign. This strategy will capture that actively seeking customer searching for products and services your company provides. Your ad just has to be there when the search is made. If your search campaign is customized properly to the products or services you sell, the ROI is typically greater.

There are large local and global companies that have advertising agencies that spend unnecessary amounts of their client’s budget due to not taking the time to optimize their campaign properly. For the advertiser it’s crucial to communicate to the agency who’s running the campaign what exactly the company’s services and/or products they do or do not provide. There are multiple PPC agencies that do not take the time to understand a company’s advertising goals or even bother to ask, meaning you could be losing a very large amount of money on an advertising budget on irrelevant clicks. Your company is not only losing money on irrelevant clicks, your losing money on an advertising agency that isn’t doing a good job maintaining your PPC campaign.

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What is Pay Per Click Management?

All paid search campaigns need to be optimized monthly, does your advertising agency taking the time to do this each month? Hiring a certified PPC consultant to review your campaign or to optimize your existing campaign will give you a unique insight on how well managed your campaign is really being run. Having a greater understanding of how your PPC campaign runs, knowing the importance of how a profitable advertising campaign should be run will help you understand exactly what your advertising agency is doing and whether or not they are doing a good job.

A high-end salon looks to receive clicks from customers seeking the high-end salon experience and hair style. If you’re advertising campaign isn’t maintained you could be receiving clicks from people looking for cheap $11 haircut. By strategically using specific words within your campaign you can minimize or completely alleviate those false clicks. A campaign of this nature can be customized and optimized to deliver highly relevant text, avoiding an appearance when customers search for $11 haircuts.

Another example would be a Mitsubishi dealership specifically selling cars, trucks, minivans and other vehicles on that same line; as a company that wants to monopolize on customer searches looking for vehicles, you also want to make sure you do not appear when a customer is searching for motorcycles, yachts, generators, lawn mowers or other equipment. Even if your ad displays a clear message describing your company as a car dealership but your ad appears when someone searches for ‘Mitsubishi Lawn Mowers’ individuals will often not read the entire ad and click quickly, once they see your website they soon discover this isn’t what they were looking for. Unfortunately you were still charged for that irrelevant click. Remember paid search is a pay-per-click model. If your ad does not appear for irrelevant products and services you are not at risk for a click. Hire the right certified PPC consultant to review your campaign or optimize your existing campaign; this will save your company money and increase your conversion rate.

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