What it Takes to Train for a Marathon

Training and preparations for a marathon can be a daunting task. Many questions can arise. There are common questions when running a marathon for the first time. Some of those questions are how long is a marathon, when the best time is to start training for a marathon, and which type of training produces the best results. No matter if you are running a marathon for the first time or training for your personal best, there is additional training that should be taking place.

Opinions on which type of training produces the best result, varies among marathon runners. Most agree that you can train for a marathon in as little as 16 weeks; however, that is only if you have already been running. The Furman Institute of Running and Scientific Training (FIRST) and Marathon Rookie both recommend a 16-week training schedule. Even though the FIRST and Marathon Rookie are different, each has its own benefits!

FIRST’s training is only three days a week running; whereas, Marathon Rookie suggest you run four days a week. If you plan to use FIRST’s 16-week marathon training, you have to understand you will be running 8 miles in the first week of training; so you will have to be either is good physical shape or have already been running. Training for your FIRST marathon, it would be in your best interest to pick up a copy of Run Less, Run Faster. Marathon Rookie also has the 26-week training if you are a beginner.

Some people need a little more time to train for a marathon; if that is the case Jeff Galloway might be the right trainer for you. Jeff Galloway has set up a 32-week training. If you have a little longer before your marathon and you would like to take things a little slower, try Jeff Galloway’s program out. Jeff Galloway’s marathon training is also different in that he does a run/walk technique. If it is your first marathon, Jeff Galloway suggests, you just finish the race do not try for a time goal.

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Another thing that should be done in training for your marathon is some sort of cross training. FIRST tells marathon trainees, ” Cross-Train Twice a Week…Hard” in the article, “The Less-Is-More Marathon Plan.” Jeff Galloway states, ” It is fine to do cross training on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday if you wish.” In Jeff Galloway’s marathon training, his long run day is Sunday; he suggests you rest on the day before your long run day.

Having the information you need to train for a marathon, a training guide, and the right mind set is the first things you will need to get started planning for your first marathon. Just a few extra tips: Set goals, once you meet that goal reward yourself. Keeping a running log can be an inspiration for you to look back at. Knowing the distance you have run in time you have run it is also a good thing to keep in the running log. It is nice to be able to see you started out at a 15-minute mile and now you are running a 13-minute mile.


Jeff Galloway


Run Less, Run Faster

The Furman Institute of Running and Scientific Training (FIRST)

The Less-Is-More Marathon Plan