How to Make Mexican Fried Rice

Have you ever had Mexican Fried Rice? Well, you should try it because it is very good, and it pretty much can be eaten at any time during the day, with your favorite side dish. And, here is the recipe for you do when you have some spare time to cook.

How To Make Mexican Fried Rice #1

First, you will need to do some serious grocery shopping, because your pantries are probably empty for this certain meal. Okay, go to my favorite store to get all these items which, you probably know the name by now, which is Wal-Mart. And, you will need the following: chicken flavor bouillon (made by Knorr), raw dry white rice in bag, Canola yellow oil, and salt.

How To Make Mexican Fried Rice #2

Second, drive home and start to prepare this delicious dish. Okay start out by pouring the amount of rice planned to be used for the cooking, and decide on what size frying pan you will use, I personally would use a big frying pan, to have plenty of room to cook. And, the rice should be poured into a dish that is a good big size. And, then rinse the rice with water only to remove dust off of white rice.

How To Make Mexican Fried Rice #3

Third, take the fry pan and start the fire underneath it at medium, you don’t want the fire to let the cooking get out of control. And, let the fry pan get real hot before adding less than a half of cup of oil into the frying pan, because if oil is added when fry pan is cold, the oil will taste kind of funny. Which that funny taste in Mexico we call, “frio.” Okay now let the oil get to a boiling point before you can do anything.

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How To Make Mexican Fried Rice #4

Fourth, take the rice and add into hot boiling oil, and start the grilling of rice. You are going to think at this point, “what in the world am I making.” But, just keep on grilling till rice gets golden brown and then you are ready to move on to the next step. And, just to make a note, “be sure to wear protective goggles for the oil or just be plain careful with boiling oil.”

How To Make Mexican Fried Rice #5

Fifth, add water and, a teaspoon of salt to rice till water is half an inch away from the rim of the frying pan, and stir for a couple of minutes, and now you are ready to add the chicken flavor bouillon. And, after adding only like two tablespoons of the ingredient, just gently stir for a few minutes. And, then let it cook until all the water evaporates and, make sure the rice is soft, and if hard just add a little bit more water, which rarely happens.

Finally, after the water in the rice is all evaporated, just put a lid on the frying pan and turn off the fire, and just let it cool. But, this recipe takes practice and art. I have been making Mexican Fried Rice for years and, I sometimes mess up myself on the cooking strategies, it is all skill. Well, I hope you will enjoy the Mexican Fried Rice and, good luck.