Tips for Your Interview for a Government Job

After you put in various applications and résumés for the government jobs you want most the next step is to nail the interview. This article is designed to help you through the process so that your initial meetings will be successful. There are so many government jobs available so the chances of you getting hired are very good if you know what to expect during your interview.

Interview Tips for That Government Job: Overview

The interview process can be very nerve racking. One interview is hard enough but government jobs usually have two interviews. The first is the informational interview and second is the employment interview. What is the difference between the two? I will explain:

  • The informational interview is usually initiated by you the prospective employee. This helps you to further investigate your options to make sure that you can decide on the right career choice.
  • The employment interview this is initiated by the person in charge filling the vacancy in their office or agency. During this process your strengths are weighed out and the employer will then decide how you can benefit the company.

Interview Tips for That Government Job: Interview Questions

When you are initiating the informational interview there are a few key issues you need to get out of the way. To start it, you need to develop key questions for your potential employer. This will help you gain an understanding of just what they are looking for so you can nail your interview. A few key questions you should ask are:

  • What experience, education, or training is absolutely mandatory for this position?
  • What are the best points to this job, and the least?
  • How did you get started in this field?
  • What is the highest pay grade I could achieve?
  • Will there be traveling involved?
  • How do people usually get hired through this agency? (you are trying to find out if they hire directly or if you have to go to OPM)
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The employment interview can sometimes be confusing as there are many types that you can undergo. Of course, which ones are up to your potential employer? Below are just a few types of interviews you may be required to attend.

  • The Stress interview-This is perhaps the worse of all interviews as certain individuals for the agency or company purposely try to stress you out to see how well you act under pressure. This practice may be limited to a few questions, to a large portion of your interview and sometimes (although it is rare) the entire interview will be conducted in this manner.
  • Multiple Interviews-Because of so many people applying to a certain job, your “could be employer” may ask for a series of interviews to make sure he will be hiring best overall candidate for the job.
  • Situational Interview-This is when certain situations are set up to see how you respond to them. In many cases a portion of your interview may deal directly with this style.

Interview Tips for That Government Job: Preparation

There are cerain things you need to remember before going into your interview. First you need to assess your appearance and style and make sure it falls in line with the type of work you are applying for. Secondly, you need to condition your self to expect the unexpected, should your employer use the most stressful tactics during your interview.

Run over your résumé in your head multiple times so you are comfortable in explaining all facets of you life as far as education and past experience. Employers like to see a well controlled individual who knows exactly what they are doing and how to represent themselves.

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Interview Tips for That Government Job: During the Interview

When you’re sitting across the desk from your potential employer you may get a wave of nausea and feel as though you have lost all feeling from the waist down. The good news is that this is normal. The important things to remember is to make sure that you are the only one who knows how you are truly feeling. If you make a mistake and tell your employer exactly how you are feeling then they may consider this not only weak, but also very unprofessional.

When you are asked to tell a little about yourself keep it limited to only the most appropriate of answers. For instance, describe your experience and education first and then through in your strong suits, such as, hardworking, responsible, perfectionist, motivated, etc.

Below I have listed a couple of stressful questions you may be asked to see how you would handle the situation along with an appropriate that will help you coming out smelling like a rose.

  • Q: Why has it taken you so long to get a decent job? A: I am very meticulous about whom I work for and to be quite honest I have not yet found an agency worthy of my time and expertise.
  • Q: Have you ever been fired and if so tell me what we have to look forward to?-and trust me I will be checking. A: I have never been fired for bad behavior, and the only thing you have to look forward to if I am hired is a hardworking individual who will enjoy expending leadership qualities and teaching others in my sector a thing or two.
  • Q: Tell me, why it is that we should actually hire you for this job? (this stress question usually comes at the end of the interview after a pause and a glance through of all the questions up to this point) A: Based upon your obvious needs in this department and my background of experience and education I think it would be beneficial to both of us if you were to hire me for this job.
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Interview Tips for That Government Job: In Closing

These tips on how to nail your interview for the government job you have chosen should help you gain the courage to see it through and better prepare yourself for the impending questions. Remember to apply self control and a well rehearsed background of what you have to offer and you will be okay.