Careers for Graduates with a Degree in Latin American Studies

Today, graduates with a degree in Latin American studies are entering a society and a world in which Latin American countries have become more and more significant. For graduates with a degree in Latin American studies this means a greater availability of career opportunities both nationally and internationally. Because graduates with a degree in Latin American studies often have acquired language proficiency in Spanish, they will find themselves qualified to apply for countless jobs working in or with Latin American countries and communities. . While our world is shrinking, so is our hemisphere. In depth comprehension of the history, language, culture and politics of Latin America will continue to give graduates with a degree in Latin American studies an advantage as they pursue a great variety of exciting career paths.

United States Government Jobs Since the proclamation of the Monroe Doctrine in the early 19th century, the United States government has viewed Latin American countries as neighbors to be assisted, natured , educated, protected and unfortunately at times dominated. Our continued connection to and interest in the social, political, military and economic development of our neighbors to the South has come to mean that many U. S. government departments routinely hire graduates with a degree in Latin American studies to handle American affairs with Latin American nationals and their governments.

Clearly the State Department offers some of the most exciting positions for graduates with a degree in Latin American studies. Many of those hired by the State Department serve as staff members at embassies, consulates and cultural exchange offices in Latin American capitals and major cities. The pay is decent and the expereince unique.

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Familiarity with countries in South and Central America gained by pursuing a degree in Latin American studies is also of considerable value in landing work with the Agency for International Development. which makes decisions about how to best assist national and regional growth and development projects. But graduates with a degree in Latin American studies should not overlook the likelihood of career opportunities occurring within the Departments of Justice, Commerce or Defense. One may locate positions related to our current immigration concerns with government departments like the FBI, the CIA and even the Office of Homeland Security. Government jobs are likely to require relocation to Washington D. C. or Latin American postings, but for graduates with a degree in Latin American studies, travel is likely to be seen as a plus.

International Organizations. International bodies that work with world wide human concerns such as nutrition, health care, good production and education have career positions for graduates with a degree in Latin American studies because of their ability to make credible in put about a large area containing many third world Nations. The World Health Organization and other U. N. bodies provide some careers for graduates with a degree in Latin ‘American studies though these are usually highly competitve positions.

It is perhaps more likely that career options will be found by gradautes with a degree in Latin Americna studies working in progams for international organizations that more regional in their concerns . Examples of such groups with more regional concentration would include the Organization of American States and Pan American Health Organization. Because these organizations are specialized they welcome workers like graduates with a degree in Latin American studies who have really centered their academic efforts on one region of the world .

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While jobs with regional organization are admittedly limited, someone fills those positions. Graduates with a degree in Latin American studies present sufficient academic background to apply.

Outreach Some international organizations that work in Latin American countries do so in an effort to empower local people to build their own economic future. Their interest are not political. In fact their sole agenda is humanitarian.. Graduates with a degree in Latin American studies will find a limited number of career positions with organizations like Oxfam America and the International Red Cross who are looking for professionals with distinct and localized qualifications.

Similarly, non-profit groups such as faith based organizations, environmental and development groups also hire gruates with a degree in Latin American studies because of their knowledge and comfort zone working among the Latin American population or on Latin American issues.

Corporate Positions In the Untied States major corporations see Latin American countries as important trading partners. To pursue trade and business interests large corporations may hire graduates with a degree in Latin American studies to provide trade experts with the social, political and economic background and the language expertise they may need to conduct business effectively in Latin America countries. Jobs with large corporations often pay large salaries especially to specialized staffers. But of course jobs with corporations are only as stable as the corporations themselves. Work in the private sector may require relocation to a Latin American country or lots of travel.

Latin America is historically and geographically connected to the United States. It is likely that as the process of economic globalization continues more and more careers will open south of the border for graduates with a degree in Latin American studies.