The Top Ten Villains of the Hulk

Bruce Banner’s alter ego has run into some dangerous, powerful villains over the years. Hulk’s Rogues Gallery features all manner of strange characters, but the all share one common trait: They’re all strong enough to tussle with the physically strongest character in comics. Let’s check out The Hulk’s top ten villains.

10. Moonstone
Karla Sofen was merely a strong willed woman before acquiring an alien gem which possessed immense powers. Since taking possession of this gem, she has gained the ability to manipulate gravity, fly, and become intangible. As such she’s a very strong foe for Hulk.

9. Bi-Beast
One of the strangest looking villains is also the most fearsome. The Bi-Beast is an android that has two heads which are stacked one upon the other. Each head is extremely smart but possesses a different specialty, one brain is for tactical intelligence and another for more general purpose intelligence. The Bi-Beast feels no pain and has strength nearly equal the Hulk’s base strength.

8. Zzzax
Zzzax is a creature composed entirely of electrical energy is is one of Hulk’s more underrated villains. Though his name is strange, his powers are fearsome and his abilities are deadly. Besides having strength and durability to mirror Hulk’s own, he has the obvious ability to manipulate electricity.

7. Madman
The brother of The Leader, Madman is a notable villain in his own right. He develops and unhealthy obsession with Bruce Banner and gains his power from experimenting on himself. Eventually, he transform into a similar likeness of the Hulk with a personality disorder. In addition to have Hulk-level strength, Madman has total control of his density, can change his size at will, and can even shape shift.

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6. Red King
Though a relatively new villain, Red King is still a great one and deserves his place here. Though I wouldn’t personally rank him this high, I considered his popularity and boosted his position. Red King was the ruler of the planet that Hulk was exiled to. Hulk was imprisoned and forced into slavery, but it wasn’t too long before these two fought an epic fight that saw each character pushed to their limits.

5. U-Foes
This group of villains intentionally wanted to recreate the accident that imbued the Fantastic Four with their powers. Bruce Banner nearly foiled their plan, but they still received powers anyway. The Hulk and the U-Foes have clashed many times, each fight being a spectacle and a great challenge for the Jade Giant.

4. Maestro
Maestro is actually just a future version of The Hulk! In this timeline’s future, nuclear fallout has occurred and The Maestro has taken over the world. The Hulk is actually brought from the past to fight Maestro, but Maestro’s immense powers prove to be far too much for The Hulk.

3. The Leader
Samuel Sterns was exposed to a similar level of gamma radiation as Bruce Banner, but his gamma had the opposite effect. Leader’s body remained puny, but his intelligence and brain were increased to vast levels. Mentally, The Leader is unmatched by most of the Marvel Universe. In addition to have limitless intelligence, the Leader has latent telekinesis and telepathy.

2. General Thunderbolt Ross
It’s hard to consider Ross a villain per se. He is only looking for humankind’s best interests and to be fair Hulk isn’t exactly the nicest hero around. Still though, their constant confrontations and Ross’ military brilliance has him placed at our #2 spot.

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1. Abomination
Emil Blonsky was a military agent who purposely exposed himself to gamma radiation levels exceeding Bruce Banner’s. Although Blonsky retains his intelligence and tactical prowess, he’s unable to revert to his human form. Abomination is by far The Hulk’s greatest villain, matching Hulk physically and having an extremely powerful healing factor. Nobody has beaten Hulk more times than The Abomination, and that earns him our top spot.

Our list for The Hulk’s ten greatest villains comes to an end. But be on the lookout for someone from this list to appear in Hulk’s next movie!