Little Known Facts About the Incredible Hulk

As with all comic book characters when they stand the test of time things change through out the years and the Incredible Hulk in no exception. When you think of the Hulk you tend to think of a big green brute saying things like, “Hulk Smash” but in the beginning it was not the case.

In the first issue of Incredible Hulk he was not green. He was gray, and he change from gray to green not from some special ray that Bruce Banner created but a printing error. For some reason they could never get a consistent gray tone. Even in the first issue the Hulk at times looked either gray green, gray purple and even gray blue. And so it was chosen that green would be the color of the Hulk.

“Hulk Smash” has been the Hulk’s catch phrase for years and when most people think of him speaking it comes out in phrases such as, “Hulk no like puny humans” but most of the time he never sounded so dumb. He actually just spoke in first person while calling those smaller and weaker than him puny. And lest be frank, if a mountain of a man breaks down the door and does not speak in first person, something is wrong.

Height has all ways been an issue with the hulk. In his movie appearances he has been 10 to 15 feet tall. But in his early appearances he was barley seven maybe eight feet tall. The Hulk currently stands at about 10 feet tall in the comics.

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Another catch phrase of the Hulk is;” The madder Hulk get, the Stronger Hulk get.” Again this is yet another thing that has changed from early on. At first his changes came at night and he would change back to Bruce Banner come the dawn.

Did you know over the years the Hulk as gone though a myriad of changes, not only in color but in personality as well? He made his appearance as gray in the first issue and it later turned to green. When we next see the Gray Hulk he is more of a mob enforcer wearing stripe pen suits. The Hulk has been completely savage saying his most popular catch phases with very little intelligence. He has also switch places with Banner, when Bruce would change into the Hulk Bruce would remain in the Hulk’s body but when he would change back to Banner the Hulk would be in the drivers seat. The Hulk has also been completely removed from Bruce Banner creating two separate entities. In one instance Banner became Captain Universe in order to combat the Hulk. And the list continues to grow. Currently Banner has complete control over his changes into the Hulk and it has been revealed that they are aware of the others actions and can even hold conversations with each other if need be, but everything the Hulk has done lately Banner was ok with during the “World War Hulk” storyline.

Other people have also had Hulk like features. One is Rick Jones, the every hero Sidekick. Another is his cousin, Jennifer also known as She-Hulk. Bruce’s psychiatrist friend Doctor Leonard Samson has been eradiated with gamma rays only to get super string and green hair. In the new title “Hulk” there is a red Hulk running around but there is a question as to who it may be. One theory was that it was Rick Jones but as it seems he has become the new Abomination as it seems the old one was murdered by this new red Hulk.

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As time goes on the list will grow. I may have even missed some. If there are don’t be afraid to let me know. Until next time, have fun and keep reading.