The Top Ten Fat Blocker Foods

If you are looking to modify your eating program, lose weight, or avoid gaining more weight, you might want to know about the top ten fat blocker foods. What are fat blocker foods you might ask? These are foods that are high in dietary fiber. How do the top ten fat blocker foods actually block fat? By adding bulk to waste, the foods considered high in dietary fiber basically increase the rate at which wastes moves through the body for excretion. This process in turn helps with cholesterol levels because the cholesterol along with toxins is quickly moved out of the intestinal tract. This article reviews the top ten fat blocker foods that you will hopefully incorporate into your diet, if you haven’t already.

First of all the top ten fat blocker foods and other fat blockers work in three different ways in our bodies to battle fat. These three processes are; (a) by controlling fat and sugar intake. Why you might ask? By eating fibrous food you fill up on healthy food leaving little room for junk foods high in sugar. (b) The second process is by helping to regulate blood sugar you have fewer dips in blood sugar, which leads to fewer cravings, hence a lesser intake of food. (c) Finally, by way of the process of fiber actually having a fat-binding effect thereby removing it from the body. Having this bit of information is motivation enough to be a proponent of the top ten fat blocker foods. Now that you understand the importance of the top ten fat blocker foods, and the purpose in which they serve, let’s discuss what some of the more popular foods actually are.

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The top ten fat blocker foods may vary from person to person, however this will give you a good start to modify your diet and are considered the foods which quickly move calories out of the body before the process of turning to fat begins. Keep in mind there are two kinds of fiber being soluble and insoluble. If high cholesterol is your issue focus on soluble. If your family history on the other hand has traces of colon cancer, then focus on insoluble foods such as grains when incorporating the top ten fat blockers into your diet.

The first of the top ten fat blockers is potatoes; this would be baked potatoes not fried potato. Next on the list is oatmeal. Some proponents are against the individual packages because of sodium; however if you don’t have time to use whole oats (which do absorb more fat), then use what you have or what is convenient for your lifestyle. The next two of the top ten fat blocker foods are apples, and oranges, which are both excellent sources of fiber. Then there is Whole-wheat pasta, which may take a little time to get used to. Baked beans are next of the list of the top ten fat blocker foods. Almost any legume is a health source of fiber so you should try to incorporate beans into your diet daily. Next we have Grain bread, which is an excellence source of fiber. There are so many to select now days that with a little research you will fine a multi grain bread you really like and won’t miss white bread as much. The next of the top ten fat blockers is popcorn with air popped is best if at all possible. All Bran cereals top the list as well and there are a lot of them on the market. Experiment until you find the right combination for yourself. The last two of the top ten fat blockers are two favorites that can be combined to make a filling meal, and that is lentils and brown rice.

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Do a little research as well as some experimentation to find your top ten fat blockers. It will take a little while to get used to a new diet, however if it is going to block fat and lower cholesterol, what we have here is a Win-Win situation.
