Overcoming Painful Effects of High Blood Pressure on Tendons and Joints

High blood pressure (hypertension) is a symptom or a precursor to a more serious health problem such as stroke, cardiac disease, atherosclerosis, kidney disease and vision impairment. An overview and treatment options for this problem can be found in the article Lowering Blood Pressure Immediately.

Effects of high blood pressure on tendons and joints have been documented in recent research. Tendons are tough, flexible cords that connect from muscles to bones. Joints are the areas where 2 bones connect. Some joints are fixed and others allow varying degrees of mobility (examples: ball and socket, pivot, hinge, ellipsoidal). Joints consist of cartilage (that prevents friction during movement), ligaments (that connect the bones and provide support and limit motion), bursas (that are fluid filled sacs preventing friction), tendons (which control movement of the joint) and the synnovial membrane (that secretes a fluid to lubricate the joints).

Inflammation of any of the parts of the joint affect joint health. Inflammation typically results in pain, swelling, redness, stiffness and lack of mobility in the joint. The inflammation can be a result of overuse (as in sports), disuse due to poor lifestyle, diet prone to stimulating inflammation, certain types of medication, obesity and high blood pressure.

Depending on the area of inflammation, one may develop osteoarthritis (bony growth or spurs irritating muscles and tissues), gout (due to deposits of urate crystals in the joint), rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune problem where the body attaches the cartilage and tissues in the joint), tendonitis (inflammation of the tendons), bursistis (inflammation of the bursae sacs), etc.

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Correlation between high blood pressure and poor tendon and joint health can be traced to poor cardiovascular health. Cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis wherein cholesterol deposits in the arteries narrow the blood vessels, increase the blood pressure. Studies have indicated that cholesterol accumulates in tendons and joints also and cause inflammation. Achilles tendon, an inflammation of the tendon in the back of the ankle is linked to hypertension and cholesterol deposits.

Effects of high blood pressure on tendons and joints have been studied in those suffering from gout. When excess uric acid builds up in the body either because enough is not expelled out of the body through the kidneys or the body makes too much of it, it tends to accumulate in the joints and cause inflammation. Gout can affect the large joint of the big toe, feet, ankles, knees, hands and wrists. High blood pressure, kidney health and excess of uric acid are highly correlated.

Research has also indicated that some medications for joint pain relief may adversely affect blood pressure – glucosamine, a popular joint pain medication has been reported to show temporary increase in blood pressure. So those taking this supplement should consult a physician if they have high blood pressure or they should periodically monitor their pressure. Research also indicates that statins used to lower cholesterol may adversely impact muscles and joints.

A good way to counter the ill-effects of hypertension and tendon and joint inflammation is to adopt a fitness plan focusing on reducing weight and cardio training. This should be supplemented by a diet low in salt, saturated fats and meat. Fiber-rich, whole grain meals are advised. Inflammation can be aggravated by processed and refined foods, vegetables such as potato, tomato, cauliflower, spinach, capsicum, etc. So they must be moderated. Pineapple and papaya aid in reducing inflammation. Drinking plenty of fresh water is strongly advised to flush out the toxic build-ups in the joints. Another effective anti-inflammatory that has no side effects is turmeric; 1-2 tsps. of turmeric powder a day after meals can help with tendon and joint swelling. Lifestyle modifications must be made to have a stress-free life. Yoga and meditation have been shown to help significantly.

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My grandfather has had arthritis affecting the his right hand for the last couple of years. His blood pressure was borderline. With regular practice of meditation, he has successfully stayed away from medication. He started experiencing improvements within a month of starting to take at least 1 gallon of water every day and turmeric powder after every meal. Now he experiences no pain or swelling and his blood pressure is normal.

