The Side Effects of Metoprolol

I am familiar with the drug Metoprolol tartrate, the generic for Lopressor, and a beta blocker manufactured formerly by Ciba-Geigy Pharmaceuticals. The company is now Novartis Pharmaceuticals [NOVzn], whose world headquarters is in Basel, Switzerland. Novartis’ U.S. headquarters is located in Summit, New Jersey.

Beta blockers are used to treat cardiovascular diseases, especially hypertension. Metoprolol is an antihypertensive medication to lower high blood pressure. Novartis lost its brand name of Lopressor to generic Metoprolol but the company has a Generic Company as well, Geneva Pharmaceuticals.

Some of the side effects of Metoprolol are mild and transient, and very serious. One is less favorable, especially to males. The side effects are:

– Fatigue or tiredness

– Dizziness or lightheadedness

– Heartburn

– Impotence

– Constipation

The more serious side effects are:

– shortness of breath

– wheezing

– swelling of the hands, feet, ankles, or lower legs

The medication comes in several strengths and is most often preferred due to its qd or once a day dosing of its 100mg tablet. The drug is also combined with a diuretic or hydroclorothiazide and is known as Lopressor HCT. It has an IV (intravenous) form and has been used in patients suffering cardiac distress or episode in the emergency room.

Metropolol is sold as a b.i.d. or twice a day dosing in 50mg. The 100mg tablet of Metoprolol I am most familiar with is blue in color with a line in the middle. Ironically or by design, the brand name is blue as well. This offers a benefit to older patients taking multiple medications with Metoprolol’s unique color. The medication is easily identifiable among others being taken by the patient.

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It is believed patients felt fatigue or tiredness because they were accustomed to the heart having to work extra hard to pump blood through the heart and throughout other parts of the body. Once therapy began with Metropolol, the force of exertion of blood on the arterial walls in the heart was reduced due to selective beta1 receptors in the medication. It is said to be cardioselective. Vasoconstriction has now become vasodilation and the blood flow through an atherosclerotic heart is easier. The patient experiences energy that had not been present and now over exerts causing fatigue. A theory or fact, ask your doctor.

This medication and all other beta-blockers are not to be discontinued abruptly. I recall reading in the patient information that, “abrupt cessation of this medication can cause a heart attack” or something of that sort. Titration is required instead of choosing to suddenly stop taking Metoprolol. This medication is administered under a physician’s care.

Oftentimes, the benefits outweigh the risks and side effects. Where impotence and men are concerned, this is unlikely. Fortunately, there are other classes of antihypertensive medications available, e.g., calcium channel blockers, diuretics, ace-inhibitors etc., that do not cause impotence and are effective in lowering blood pressure and other cardiovascular ailments.

Please talk to your physician or pharmacist about this or any prescribed medication for you. Information contained is article is believed to be correct and accurate but this author is not a licensed healthcare provider. If you experience any of the side effects listed or others, especially the more serious side effects, you should call for help immediately!