Lesser Known Causes of High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a common problem among people all over the world and can lead to serious health consequences. High blood pressure which is also known as hypertension usually is caused by various things but there sometimes the causes are unusual. If you have high blood pressure then you might be interested in the little known causes of high blood pressure.

Certain medications can cause high blood pressure which might not be a cause you would normally think of. A lot of medications can cause high blood pressure but usually the risk is outweighed by the benefits of the continual use of the medication. Antidepressants, birth control, ibuprofen and naproxen as well as decongestants are all medications that can cause hypertension. If you notice that your blood pressure seems to be increasing then you need to take a look at the medications you are taking to see if they could be the cause. You can talk to your doctor to figure out of the high blood pressure is anything to worry about and what medication options you have.

Another little known cause of high blood pressure is a lack of proper nutrition meaning there is a deficiency in the diet. You can get high blood pressure by not getting enough magnesium, calcium or potassium in your diet. Not getting enough of vital nutrients can cause a rise in your blood pressure because your body needs those nutrients. If you have an unhealthy diet then you are probably more likely to develop high blood pressure than someone who eats a healthy diet. It will take your doctor running a blood test to determine which nutrients and vitamins you are deficient in to determine the cause of the hypertension.

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Common herbal supplements such as St. John’s Wort and ginseng can also cause high blood pressure which might surprise many. Herbal supplements contain a lot of different ingredients and those ingredients combined might be making your blood pressure rise. If you take herbal supplements you need to know that you can still have side effects from those medications as well. If you think you have high blood pressure from herbal supplements, then you should stop taking them immediately. Alert your doctor to any herbal remedies you are taking so the doctor can tell you what the best course of action would be.

Thyroid or adrenal diseases might also be the cause of your high blood pressure which people might not be aware of. If you suffer from high blood pressure it might also surprise you to know that many different thyroid and adrenal diseases are a main contributing factor to developing high blood pressure. Adrenal glands are responsible for controlling certain hormones, like the stress hormones and an imbalance can lead to hypertension. When your hormones become imbalanced it can create extra hormones being released into the body which would then cause your blood pressure to possibly rise, especially if it is the stress hormone. Thyroid disorders can also affect the hormones in the body and cause them to either be too productive or not productive enough. When thyroid issues occur, this can lead to serious problems due to the hormone malfunction and might be a cause of your high blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure it is important you get tests done on your adrenal glands and your thyroid to rule out any diseases that might be the source of the problem.

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Sleep deprivation might also be a little known cause of high blood pressure, especially sleeping less than five hours a night. Sleeping helps regulate hormones and reduces stress levels in the body, so naturally when you are deprived of that you could get health complications. Sleeping between five and six hours a night can lead to an increased risk of high blood pressure or a worsening of existent high blood pressure. If you are sleeping less than the five hours a night then you are really increasing your risk at developing high blood pressure. You should be getting about nine hours of sleep a night to keep your hormone levels regulated which will reduce stress and other health concerns. sleeping controls a lot of important things in the nervous system so it is only going to increase your risk of health problems if you are sleep deprived or just do not get enough sleep.

Alcohol can also be a contributing factor and cause of your high blood pressure and can lead to severe health complications. Alcohol is thought to increase high blood pressure and decrease the effectiveness of the medications used to treat high blood pressure. Drinking alcohol can make your blood pressure rise to very serious levels which could lead to a serious health problem or even death. A beer will not typically increase your blood pressure by much, but excessive drinking is the problem. When you drink, you are taking in calories and it can lead to weight gain and other problems which increase your risk of high blood pressure. Although drinking is okay if it is done moderately, drinking too much can really increase your blood pressure. Drinking also can be dangerous when combined with other common medications which also might cause your high blood pressure.

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Heather Rutherfordstone, “What Causes Sudden High Blood Pressure?”, Essortment

Mayo Clinic Staff, “High Blood Pressure”, Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Staff, “Sleep Deprivation: A cause of high blood pressure?”, Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Staff, “Alcohol: Does it affect blood pressure?”, Mayo Clinic