The Hillary Nutcracker and’s ‘Stupidest Holiday Gifts’

Could you imagine what it would be like to give a gift this holiday season that would have someone smiling for years to come? Well, I have great news for you. has come out with a great gift that would be perfect anyone and especially those who keep up with politics.

The Hillary Nutcracker is such a great gift. The Hillary Nutcracker is a miniature of what the former first lady looks like only you get to crack nuts using her legs.

The Hillary Nutcracker stands with her arms proudly out and her legs in a stance as though she is ready to take on the world or at least the White House. Hillary Clinton is known for her current position as U.S Senator and being the former First Lady of the White House.

If you think this item is ridiculous, you just might be right but people love this item for all that it is. Even the people at the website,, talk about how ridiculous this item is. This item is one that you have to see to believe.

The Hillary Nutcracker comes is a nice display box surrounded by flags to show off her love for the country but even though she might look cute, she is still cracking the nuts right between her legs.

The price of the Hillary Nutcracker is $21.99 and according to, she is selling like hotcakes. This cute item is something that will have the entire family smiling each time that she is used to crack nuts around the house.

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Whoever came up with this idea, was a genius in my books. So, why not make it a good holiday season and purchase this gift for yourself or someone that you know. You never know when you might have a nut that needs a little cracking.

What do I think about the Hillary Nutcracker? It’s seriously cracking me up.
