10 Things You Can Find and See in a Crackhead

Erythoxylum coca and E. novagranatense.The Latin term for the name of the cocoa leaves from the cocoa shrubs of Latin America. This is the main ingredient that makes a substance that has been a thorn in the sides of mankind ever since the introduction of this white rock to main stream America. That’s right. I’m talking about crack and nearly everyone has either met or is related to a crack head.

The majority of problems coming from cocaine never produces such drastic results, until this entity gets heated with water and another substance, such as baking soda, (the most common substance, to help extract the salt), and smoked from a pipe, (or other bong-type canister). What do you end up with? A Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde concoction that will take ANYONE, from your grandmother, wife, husband, daughter, son, etc…, to the next door neighbor, postman, whoever. this substance has no barriers and is not prejudice. Pretty much most of this info is pretty common…except for one thing that most educational surveys leave out. The serious humor, ( and although this is a serious subject), crack heads often distribute amongst their fellow man. Here are some of the, although quite serious, also quite humorous signs that the person involved is probably on crack.

1. They Can Lift a John Deere mower and set it in the back of their truck within 10 seconds.
Most crack heads will admit, no one can really afford to stay on the stuff. It gets quite expensive and a paycheck only lasts about a day. At the beginning, the usual crack head starts spending just a little part of their money. Crack is one of the most addictive chemicals out there. Soon, their appetite gets bigger, they start going broke. They start borrowing money from friends. After that road gets blocked from not paying back their personal loans, things start to get sold. Pretty soon, things start to go missing. On the average timeline, most crack heads start stealing and unlike other drug users, (I don’t care how strong you are), a crack head has this uncanny ability to lift heavy objects and run like hell. I seen some actually jump over fences with stolen goods!

2. They always got a hole in their shoes.
What’s up with this!? Every time i sit down and talk to a confessed Crack head, they have shoes that are falling apart. I think it’s when they either tried to stop a moving car, climb a tree to get away….What? I’m serious. They love to show off that hole, or worse, pull back that shoe to show folks that their shoe has already came half off.

3. They can lie like a dog!
That’s right. I hate to say it, but out of the 50 or so crack heads I had the “pleasure” of running into, not ONE has straight up told the truth about ANYTHING! Remember, they are now broke, they already tried to play the “Can i borrow” game. It’s lying time. Crack heads no longer see family as family, they see family as another type of source to get money. They will lie to their mother, spouse, kids, brothers and sisters, etc…What makes you think they won’t lie to you. Think about it. I’ve seen bosses fire good people because they got hooked on crack, and the first thing they start doing besides stealing is lying. Here is a list of the lies that i even either heard or fell for:
a. “I need $40.00, my boyfriend is in jail and needs bail money.” (Someone had to remind this crack head that bail usually goes for about $150.00 on a small charge such as the one she was making up).
b. I need money to feed the kids,” (or family). Want to see if that’s what they did with that $50.00 you just gave them? Go over their house 20 minutes later. If they’re gone, guess what? You been had. Don’t feel bad though, I personally got caught on this one a lot.
c. My car is broke down/ran outta gas/got towed, etc…. This list can go on and on. They always make this excuse so they can get the money first hand to fix their vehicle. Two things happen. Either their vehicle doesn’t get fixed, or there was nothing wrong in the first place. I think you get the picture.

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4. They never have a title for that car they are trying to sell you.
This is a major factor with crack dealers. Often, the crack head will sell the car to the crack dealer, but the crack head always promises to pay the dealer back, so they usually keep their car for an extended amount of time. The dealer usually takes the title, but knowing the money will soon stop if this “client” can’t get to work, they usually can’t buy that white rock. Once they find out that they can’t pay for the car back, (because their money is still going on crack), they ALWAYS try to sell their vehicle with no title, ALWAYS promising that you’ll get the title in a few days. For all you dealers out there, do me a favor. if your going to buy the car, TAKE THE CAR! Us folks are so tired of finding out the vehicle we bought is gone a week before Christmas, or while we are shopping, and we are without because of someone else’s habit. Just take the thing!

5. They are not the same person as before.
This is the one thing that gets my goat more than any other drug introduced to America. Someone has a dear loved one that starts smoking crack. Six months later, you looking at a skinny zombie, a former member of the one you loved, trying to break into your purse, your car, even your house. The average person addicted to drugs can still have a conscious. A crack head only gets faster, stronger, and better. They become the bionic man (or woman) in stealing, bribing, and cunning. It’s like their feelings and emotions went out the door with their conscious. Be careful, this is one of the signs that your loved one has crossed the line into becoming deemed as a ‘Crack head”.

6. Crack heads have no morals.
I once met a woman at a bar. She just got into town after a messy divorce in Britain. Her husband was an American, so she came to America to sign the paperwork and fight for the custody of her children. She was one of the most beautiful woman i ever met. Her accent was mesmerizing, and she was dressed for success, wearing a business suit/skirt combo. She stuck out like a sore thumb in a country bar, but in the neighborhood she got the apartment from, this was walking distance. I spent three wonderful hours falling in love. it was a great time! One year later, I ran into her again. She was getting arrested for running down the street naked. Apparently, her “client” asked her for change for a five, and she took offence. As i stood there among the crowd gathering, she stated to the police that she was worth the whole five dollars. She is now considered one of the biggest crack heads in town, and when i last checked, her price is down to two dollars, (bad economy, you know). I’ve seen drugs take a lot of morals out of a lot of characters, but crack is the only drug I know to date, that will take the whole basket. Crack heads have very little moral character. For some reason, this substance takes this precious gift away. So sad

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7. Crack is their priority above all.
No lie folks! I’ve seen this too many times. Most crack heads don’t seem to understand that If they are on crack, EVERYONE PAYS! Scores of children in our mainstream America often go hungry because of the conditions that come with being on crack. Often enough, most children are usually taken away from their crack head parent(s) or worse yet, their grandparents are often stuck re-raising their grandkids because that certain someone can’t seem to get their priorities straight. Unlike the other notes, this is the one closely associated with other drug users. Get caught with or using an illegal substance, chances are, you are going to lose your children. The money you have to invest to get them back, alone, will be as close to as the same money it could take to make yourselves a better life. Moms and dads lose children, spouses lose their significant other, jobs are lost, etc… Most who lose this type of blessing know they goofed. Crack heads only since an outcome that might take away a resource. Think I’m lying? Ask a crack head why they haven’t fought to get off the stuff and get their child(ren) back. What excuse did you hear?

8. Most can get off an addiction if they work hard enough, crack heads usually don’t

It breaks my heart to say it, but as of today, I NEVER ran into an ex-crack head. I understand, like nicotine, this is truly a hard drug to get rid of, but did anyone get off this stuff? I mean, really? I had a man almost convince me, and i held him in high regard, until i heard years later that yes, (rule #2), he lied. I have studied the chemistry behind crack cocaine and can understand the strength a person would have to have to resist such a drug, but. HAS ANYONE EVER GOT OFF THIS STUFF SUCCESSFULLY? If you are out there, I want to personally congratulate you, If no one else has. From what i understand, odds on a successful retreat are in the same lines as hitting the BIG lottery, (no, not the state lottery, the big one).

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9. Work is no longer “work”.

Almost every crack head i know works hard. They will work 12 hours straight, and turn around to work again. Where’s the problem with this you say? it’s the motivation as to why they are working. most people that fall out of their dream job, or good paying job, usually pick up employment that either pays the same day, or take a serious pay cut for a job that they probably had to work twice as hard for as the job they had. Working in a blue-collar field myself, this is usually where i run into the biggest mill of crack heads. don’t get me wrong, there are ALOT of good, hardworking folks out there who are in the blue-collar workforce that have rarely even seen crack. I’m talking about the crack heads that will break their back for that crappy job just to get a little smoke. Being involved in temporary job placement companies, i have seen scores of hard working people that basically work ALL DAY for $30.00. For crack heads, this is a $10 rock and a $20 rock. Not worth it, man. Yep, that’s right, the calculations of food, clothes, even survivng do not compute. How do they do it?

10. Mirror, Mirror, on the wall.

As I started typing this, it became apparent to me that maybe the one reading this might’ve been pushed in the past into at least trying this once, tried it a few times, or worse yet, you stole your brother’s computer and are now reading my rules. If you are thinking about trying it, remember:
Crack, whether you are trying it for the first time, or been on it for quite sometime, is illegal and can put you away for years.
This IS one of the strongest addictions in this beautiful world of ours. Some of the crack heads I met with were addicted the FIRST TIME THEY TRIED IT! Don’t believe me? you got a computer, look it up. Talk to a crack head, some will actually admit they are addicted.
A few times is a few too many. Yes, I know, there are some that will say they tried it a few times and didn’t like it. Addiction for crack can grow on you. maybe your head doesn’t since the pleasure the first few times, but that doesn’t mean you won’t accidentally “train” this habit. And for the one’s who are addicted on crack. TRY to get help. There are people like me, who, although see a funny side to the characteristic part of crack heads, would rather help then hurt. Some of us out there do want to help. Need help? Call your nearest Rehab center. Prove me wrong and come clean. Reclaim your family, morals, kids, (and your title to that car). Show us that you do care and you do love yourself just as much as we love you.