The Health Benefits of Button Mushrooms

Many home cooks toss mushrooms into a salad, add them to spaghetti sauce, or sautee them as a side dish, but few consider the health benefits these fleshy fungi have to offer. Although they’re composed of more than eighty percent water, the lowly button mushroom has much to contribute from a nutritional standpoint and they’re so versatile to cook with, taking on the flavor of whatever sauces are used in their preparation. What are the health benefits of button mushrooms and why should you consider adding them to your diet?

Health benefits of button mushrooms: They may reduce the risk of breast cancer.

A study published in the journal Cancer Research showed that the common button mushroom inhibits the action of an enzyme known as aromatase which plays a role in estrogen metabolism. By inhibiting aromatase, button mushrooms help to naturally lower estrogen levels. Because high estrogen levels are associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, it’s believed that the anti-aromatase activity of mushrooms offers a certain degree of protection against breast cancer. A study carried out in China, showed that women who ate the most mushrooms had lower risks of breast cancer and the risk reduction was even greater when mushrooms were combined with green tea.

Health benefits of button mushrooms: They may protect against viral and bacterial illness

Button mushrooms appear to enhance the activity of the immune system by activating cells known as natural killer cells. Natural killer cells destroy cells that are infected by viruses as well as some tumor cells. They also appear to have activity against foreign bacterial invaders that can lead to illness. Mushrooms may be a natural way to decrease the risk of catching a cold or the flu.

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Health benefits of button mushrooms: They’re very low in calories.

Mushrooms are one of the lowest calorie foods around. With only twenty calories in five medium mushrooms, they’re a healthy choice for weight control. Studies have shown that when mushrooms are used to replace some of meat in recipes, people still find the dishes to be palatable and filling. Substituting mushrooms for higher calorie meats, potatoes, and pastas can be an effective way to consume fewer calories and reduce overall fat intake since mushrooms are virtually fat free.

Health benefits of button mushrooms: They’re a good source of minerals.

Button mushrooms are rich in potassium, a mineral important for maintaining a healthy blood pressure as well as selenium, an anti-oxidant that can help to reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

Health benefits of button mushrooms: They’re a good source of the B vitamins.

B vitamins are required for a variety of chemical reactions in the body including those involved in carbohydrate metabolism and are also important for maintaining a healthy nervous system.

Health benefits of button mushrooms: They’re high in anti-oxidants

Surprisingly, the button mushroom has anti-oxidant levels as high as the more expensive, medicinal mushrooms such as maitake. That’s good news for people who want the health benefits of mushrooms without spending a fortune.

Button mushrooms are widely available year round at most supermarkets. Why not add them to your grocery list so you can start enjoying their health benefits today?
