Dieting for Heart Patients – the Alabama Cardiac Diet?

The Alabama Weight Loss Diet is another scam that has some people up in arms about the validity of most diets advertised today, and everywhere. This diet, the Alabama Weight Loss Diet, goes by many different names. The Alabama Weight Loss Diet has been circulating for many years and surfaces under another name every so often. There are almost no followers of this diet, due in part to any medical backing by doctors or dietitians for the Alabama Weight Loss Diet. The people that proposed this diet a long time ago, had no scientific or medical evidence on which they were able to base the Alabama Weight Loss Diet. They merely introduced the diet and moved on from there.

If you are a cardiac patient, or you have a heart disease, the Alabama Weight Loss Diet is NOT the diet for you. Not only does the Alabama Weight Loss Diet include foods rich in fat, sodium, and cholesterol, but also requires you to adhere to a strict eating regimen that leaves your body unsatisfied, and needing more. The nutritional value on the Alabama Weight Loss Diet does not come close to meeting the standard nutritional values for an average adult. Because of this, the Alabama Weight Loss Diet is referred to as a borderline starvation diet, by some dietitians and doctors. Although the Alabama Weight Loss Diet attempts to give medical backing to strengthen their stand, there is no way of following the Alabama Weight Loss Diet and keeping on a healthy track at the same time.

See also  What Exactly is the Alabama Cardiac Diet?

Part of the severity of the Alabama Weight Loss Diet is that it cannot be followed for longer than three days at a time. The schedule of the diet is set up in a way as to break the foods allowed up into three days, consisting of three meals. On the Alabama Weight Loss Diet, you are allowed some vegetables, eggs, hot dogs, and even vanilla ice cream. The foods allowed on the Alabama Weight Loss Diet, are not those that are normally chosen for any diet. The concentration of cholesterol, sodium, and fat are above normal levels. This for a cardiac patient, alone, is detrimental to the idea of healthy, for the rest that would consider trying the Alabama Weight Loss Diet, this diet is unhealthy for them also.

There have been no doctors or hospitals that have stood in support of the Alabama Weight Loss Diet. They have seen and stated that the diet is unhealthy and merely a gimmick to make people think losing weight quickly is an easy and simple thing to do. On the Alabama Weight Loss Diet, you will experience cravings due to the drastic cut in calories consumed, and unless you are accustomed to this level of calories, your body will begin to store any additional food as energy against apparent starvation. The Alabama Weight Loss Diet gives you body a feeling of starvation, and are not healthy.

Check with your doctor before you decide on which diet you prefer to follow, and double check if you are considering the Alabama Weight Loss Diet — losing a few pounds is not worth your good health.