Del Monte Four Cheese Spaghetti Sauce

Two days ago, I purchased a can of Del Monte Four Cheese Spaghetti Sauce and for the past two nights, I’ve eaten this sauce along with pasta, pork chops, cube steaks and more pasta. The attractive front label of this canned spaghetti sauce really caught my eye and I’m very glad I purchased a can of it.

Presented here, in an effort to assist the consumer, is an article which reviews and examines Del Monte Four Cheese Spaghetti Sauce.

The net weight of the standard sized container of Del Monte Four Cheese Spaghetti Sauce is 26.5 ounces. This is a big can, it measures in at roughly 5.75″ x 3.25″. The container holds six 1/2 cup servings, but I only received approximately three servings, because I eat large servings of sauce. Also, the sauce tastes so good, I almost couldn’t stop eating it.

The regular retail price charged for one 26.5 ounce can of Del Monte Four Cheese Spaghetti Sauce at Hartford, Connecticut area supermarkets is approximately $1.69.

The price that I paid two days ago for one can of this sauce at a small Hartford supermarket was $1.79, which I think is very reasonable. Most of the other brands of pasta sauce displayed near this sauce were priced significantly higher. Many of those brands, I have already tried and I think that Del Monte Four Cheese Spaghetti Sauce is just as good, if not better than, most of those sauces.

Consistency / Texture
This spaghetti sauce possesses a pleasant and rich texture that is appealingly thick. It is a pretty smooth tomato sauce that is thickened by the cheeses. The sauce clings well to pasta and it offers a pleasing mouth feel.

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Nutritional Facts
Del Monte Four Cheese Spaghetti Sauce contains 80 calories, with 10 calories from fat, per 1/2 cup serving. This excellent sauce also contains 0 grams of saturated fat, 1 gram total fat, 0 mg of cholesterol, 440 mg of sodium, 500 mg of potassium, 14 grams total carbohydrates, 2 grams of fiber, 10 grams of sugars and 2 grams of protein.

Taste / Flavor
One of the reasons that I bought this variety of Del Monte sauce is my vague recollection of being served this sauce at someone’s house. At the time, I was quite impressed by the flavor and overall quality of Del Monte Four Cheese Spaghetti Sauce and I remain impressed with it now.

In case you’re wondering if this spaghetti sauce tastes overly cheesy, the answer is ‘no’. While there are four types of cheese in this tomato sauce, it is sill primarily a tomato sauce. The kitchen wizards at Del Monte have created a tasty sauce that makes use of the highlights of each type of cheese, while retaining a fresh and vibrant tomato flavor. On a flavor scale of one through ten, I would assign this product a rating of nine.

Del Monte Four Cheese Spaghetti Sauce is packaged in a fairly tall metal can that requires the use of a can opener to open. The front label is very attractive and appetizing.

A bowl of spaghetti topped with this sauce is in the foreground and the white and green background, complete with herb leaves looks great. The rear label features a listing of all pertinent ingredient and nutritional information and a recipe.

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Overall Rating
So far, I’ve tried two varieties of Del Monte spaghetti sauces; the Garlic & Onion variety and this four cheese sauce. To be honest, I have nothing but good things to say about both sauces.

The Del Monte Four Cheese Spaghetti Sauce is a very tasty canned sauce that is reasonably priced. Because it is a Del Monte product, one can rest assured that this sauce is a high quality item. Del Monte Four Cheese Spaghetti Sauce is highly recommended by this food writer.

Sources :
Personal experience with the product
The product label